The Train Ride

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"I find that the beginning is a good place to start." -Albus Dumbeldore.

I guess that's where I'll start. Right at the beginning. Before... this. Before, a time when things were diffrent. Good.

I was 13 on a hot summer day laying in my yard with my dog. I remember that day so vividly. I heard a yell from my kitchen. My dogs ears perked up as we both ran to see what happened.


My mom was jumping up and down excitedly. My Dad had attended Hogwarts, he was a Slytherin. My Mom was a Hufflepuff, if you couldn't tell. They always said they met and fell in love. Dad didn't say much about his friends or the Slytherin's. My mom always told me about her friends and the kitchen being next to her common room. Mom still spoke with some of her friends. Dad said that most of his friends had passed away in the first wizarding war.

"Mom, what happens if the house I'm in is terrible?" I asked.

"All of the houses are equally great. It's only personality traits." she said.

"You'll be great. No matter what." my dad added.

Fast forward a month and I was on the Hogwarts express. It was magnificent. I wasn't too sure when they told me to go through platfform 9 and 3/4 but I did it. The big steam engine roared. It was gigantic to my little self. I boarded and walked around nervously trying to find a place to sit. First impressions are everything, so I hid my fears.

"Have you seen a toad?" I hear a voice ask from behind me.

I turned around and faced a boy. He had rosy, chubby cheeks. He looked frantic.

"I'm afraid not.." I replied fiddling with my hands.

"Okay, if you see him, can you let me know? I'm Neville by the way." the boy explained.

"Amber Sparks." I extended my hand.

His mouth dropped open. I looked at him in confusion and shook my head. See what I hadn't known then was that my parents were wealthy. We were considered Purebloods. I didn't understand what any of that meant at the time. Looking back maybe I should have noticed the signs.

"Sorry, are you okay?" I asked.

Neville shook his head and shaked my hand. He suddenly sprinted off.

As I continued on my journey to find a seat I spotted an empty carriage and took a seat. It seemed like forever until someone had joined me but in walked two identical boys. They looked older than me but they did look very identical.

Both boys were tall and lanky. They had bright red hair and wore goofy grins. I noticed they had freckles splashed across their faces and had chocolate brown eyes.

"Mind if we join you? This is our usual compartment you see." one of the boys spoke.

"Not at all." I smiled politely.

The boys took the seat across from me and started looking in the window..

"He'll be here soon I 'spose." one of the boys said.

Just as if he was summoned another boy walked in. I assumed this was the friend that they were waiting on. He had dark skin but was also strikingly handsome.

"Are we all set for the first prank then?" he asked taking the seat beside me.

"George has the candies." the one twin spoke.

"Fred will put them in the dishes throughout the common room." the boy I figured to be George stated.

"Wicked." said the boy next to me.

As if they had forgotten I was there I returned to looking out the window into my own world. If it was possible for hundreds of people to be on the platform I swore that's how many I had seen.

Jolted forward I felt the train begin to move. I grinned turning to the boys excitedly. They were still engaged in their conversation so I decided to stand up and stated I would return. They gave me a wave and just continued to talk. Whatever they spoke about seemed to be something that they had a passion for.

I walked down the hall and a boy caught my eye. He looked just like the boys I had just left. I knocked on the door and the two boys signaled for me to enter.

"Do you have brothers who look just like you?" I asked the red hair boy.

"Oh no, what have they done now?" He asked me while holding his rat. It seemed well fed and snuggled into the boy.

"Nothing, they are just sitting with me and I wanted to meet new people." I say to him.

"I'm Ronald. Ronald Weasley." he grinned with the same goofy smile as his brothers.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." the dark haired boy turned to me.

I was sheltered but even I had heard of Potter. The boy who lived. He was a household name in the wizarding community.

"I'm Amber. Amber Sparks." I smiled introducing myself.

I heard Ron gasp. I still didn't understand what was the big deal.

"You... You're... Imagine meeting two celebrities in our world in the same day." Ron stammered.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about. I've heard of you Mr. Potter."I winked at him.

"What in the world is going on?" Harry asked sinking into the clothing that seemed too large for him.

I shrugged my shoulders and was about to speak when suddenly a girl rushed in. She looked at us and asked if we had seen a toad. She introduced herself to be Hermione Jean Granger. We sat and chatted a bit before I decided to take my leave.

Who would have known that was going to be the group of children to save our world? Who would have known any of this was going to come? Surely, I didn't.

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