idk. filler?

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It was the middle of the night. Ginny had got woken up by Professor McGonagall and didn't return. Hermione and I were left behind with Harry as the Weasley's joined thier famiies sooner for Christmas.

Arthur Weasley was attacked and they rushed to his side. He would make it and was safe for now.

On a lighter note, Harry confided in Hermione and I that he'd kissed Cho. They apparently have been getting closer. Draco has been working with me on Legimancy and I was getting quite good at it.

When he did allow me to invade his thoughts, they were filled with me.

Pansy and I hung out alot more, as did the rest of the Slytherins. Draco never really made things offical with me although everyone knows we can be found togehter.


Over Chistmas, I spent it at Grimmauld place. I had to meet with the order and get caught up on the movements from the Dark side. Some people were showing up missing or dead with no patterns being shown.

"What if we revisit how he came back?" I suggest.

"We've done that. It doesn't tell us the way to know how to defeat him, unfortunately. " Remus informs me.

We'd sat for hours brain storming ideas on what he was up to. It didn't make sense. Why go after random people and places?

"Unless, he's searching for something. " I whisper to myself.

"What was that, dear?" Molly asks. She knew what happened with George and punished him. She was ashamed her son had hurt me so badly.

"Is there something that could make him more powerful?" I ask.

The group looks at me then each other and runs with the idea. Molly excused herself to cook dinner and had Ginny and I help serve it.

Ginny hasn't left my side. She's afraid George will try something stupid. I don't blame her, though. She's really been my rock through staying here. It was testy to say the least.

"Ah, Ms. Sparks. May I steal you for a moment?" Snape asks as he glides into the kitchen.

"Sure." Itell him. Hopefully, nothing bad happened.

We go outside where he finally turns around to face me. His expression was unreadable, as normal.

"Draco tells me to send his wishes for the holidays." Snape tells me. I can tell he's trying to read my mind so I block him out.

"How is he?" I ask. I knew the holidays weren't easy for him with his parents.

"Magnificent. I've never seen anyone pick up Occulemency so well before. Other than  myself. Draco is well. He hasn't left his room much. His aunt, Lestrange, she's staying there." Snape tells me.

"Have you heard from my parents?" I ask.

He shakes his head. Nobody has heard from them in the past month or so. I was starting to get worried. At least if there was movement on the other side Snape would know.

"If I do, I'll let you know." He tells me placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod and go upstairs. I sigh. I was getting sick of worrying and it had only begun.

Looking up, I see a tree on the wall. It seemed to be the family tree of the Blacks. I see Draco's moms name, Bellatrix, and Sirius. Theres a burn over his face.

"That was when my mom tried to take me off of the family tree." Sirius says sneaking up behind me.

"What a witch." I say.

"She was something. Couldn't let go of the blood purity. She did this when I moved in with James. He was such a good friend." Sirius says with a sad look in his eyes.

"Who is Regulus?" I turn to ask him.

"That was my brother. Ended up on the wrong side. He disappeared, and nobody has seen him since." Sirius tells me.

"Do you think he's what he's been searching for?" I ask.

"I don't think so. Regulus wasn't high up on the ranks. He was friends with your father and Lucius." he tells me.

"I hope you don't harbor ill feelings towards my father. I've met Lucius, he's nothing like him." I defend my father. He's changed.

"Not at all. Your mother really.. kicked his ass. She put him in his place and he's been straight since." he tells me.

"Something's bothering me... Why did Regulus disappear?" Isay out loud and leave Sirius to ponder his thoughts.


"Amber, we miss you." Fred tells me. George and Fred currently have me trapped in their room.

"You know why it's like this."Itell them.

"We're leaving Hogwarts, soon." George tells me.

"What?" I ask.

"We've gotten enough money, now. We've found a spot with a nice apartment." George continues on.

I sit on the bed inbetween the twins. My first real friends.

"I'm still truely sorry. I will live with regret forever for hurting you." George tells me.

I sigh and pull him in for a hug. I think I missed them as much as they've missed me.

"You can come stay anytime. No questions asked." Fred tells me.

I nod adn they tell me more about the products they'd been working on since I'd seen them last.

Christmas came and went and my friends and I all exchanged gifts. Harry got me jelly beans, Ron and Hermione both got me Sugar Quills, The twins gave me some of thier new products, Mrs. weasley had made me a new jumper that I had yet to take off.

Ginny had gotten me a necklace with a ball on it. In it you could see fireworks going off. It was really something else. She'd outdone herself. I alos hadn't taken that off yet.

"Ms. Sparks, you look awfully enchanting today." Draco says as he comes up to me smiling.

I jump into his arms. He looked tired but well. I cooed in his ear about how much I had missed him when I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind. I laugh, " Hi, Pans."

We sat together on the train ride back describing our vacations. It was the most joy I had felt in days.

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