The truth hurts.

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"Charolette, look at them. You were right, they just needed some time together." Narcissa gushed.

Draco and I tried pulling an all nighter to study in his room and ended up falling alseep. Our books ended up scattered cross his bed and we were embracing each other sleeping. My mom had come in the morning to bring me a fresh change of clothes and they found us like this.

Draco was awoke first as he nuzzled a little closer to me realizing what he was doing he jumped and pushed me away. I was startled awake and looked around confused. I finally realized both of our moms in the door way taking pictures. Great.

"Mother, please. She'll never come back." Draco pleaded trying to get the women to stop.

"Hush, honey. You'll want these moments to look back on in the wedding." Narcissa said.

We all shared a giggle and headed down to the kitchen. My mom stayed for breakfast and told me she'd come get me in the evening. Draco and I set off to work and he took his time again explaining things to me. I really wanted to ask why it was different with me and the other Gryffindors but my fathers warning came to mind. I didn't want to end our friendship over silly beliefs.  Finally, my mom and dad had come to pick me up but we ended up staying for dinner.

"Lucius, I think he was guilty." my dad said.

"I don't doubt it. Look at his brother, trash."Lucius stated.

"Honey, not in front of the kids." my mom elbowed my dad glancing towards Draco and I.

"Charolette, they''ll know soon enough. Hogwarts will have taken prevention measures no doubt." my dad said.

"Daddy, what is it?" I asked.

"Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban." he replied.

I didn't understand how. Azkaban was a high security prison. I knew better than to press the matter further. Every so often I would glance at Draco and see him looking at me. Our parents sent us to Draco's room to study a bit so they could discuss "adult" issues.

"I wonder what that's like.. having the future ripped away. Not being able to choose your career or who you'll marry." Isaid.

"Do you not know then?" Draco asked me.

"What don't I know?" I asked him.

He shook his head and took me back to where our parents sat. They must have noticed a look on Draco's face becasue the energy suddenly shifted.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked.

"Amber just said the most darling thing to me. She said she wonders what it's like to not be able to marry who you want." Draco said.

A look of terror appeared on my parents faces. That was the turning point. I do want to say that I didn't mean for it to come out. I blame Draco for his Slytherin ways. This was the first time he was malicious towards me. I obviously didn't see it at the time, but it doesn't change the fact  that it hurt.

"Amber.... I think we need to go." my mom said trying to push me out of the room.

"Charlotte, I think it's time you tell her. It's not fair to keep her wondering." Lucius said to my mom.

Narcissa glared at her husband but didin't dare to say a word. I knew this was because he was drinking. Draco told me about what happens and how it happens.

"I apologize, this is a family matter we haven't discussed yet." my father explained.

Draco turned and looked at me guiltily. He knew something that I wanted to know.

"Well can we discuss it now? Clearly everyone knows but me." I said.

My parents exchanged glances sighing. Draco grabed my hand and sat me down on the love seat next to my parents. He hadn't let go of my hand so I knew it was going to be serious.

'Amber.. you are pureblood." my mom started.

"I know."I said simply not understanding.

"Honey, let me. Amber being a pureblood comes with certain responsibilites. We all have gone through them. This is not easy to say to you, and I know we should have told you sooner... you'll be marrying Draco." my dad said nothing then all at once.

"Excuse me?" I said blinking slowly. I still hadn't quite understood.

"Purebloods attend arranged marriages. Although, I've heard some muggles do this as well. It's tradition and we all have agreed Draco and you would be the best partners."my dad said.

I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I had to leave. I forced my hand out of Draco's. I couldn't apparate yet and didn't have any other choice. I used to the Floo network back to my house. I knew my parents wouldn't be far behind me. Before they could reach our home I used the Floo network once more to run.

They called me a Gryffindor, but this was too much. How do you just force your ideas on someone after tellign them you support and love them? How do you not love someone suddenly for who they are because of some elitest belief?

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