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I wrote a letter to Draco. I couldn't say where Iwas but need him to know I was okay. I sent my letter off and went to find George, it was hard getting a moment alone. The house had been crazy and we were planning on going to Knockturn Alley to go get our school supplies and head back to school.

"George.. When we get a moment may I speak to you privately?" I asked him.

He takes my hand, kisses me on the cheek and nods. I think he knew what I was going to say without me saying it. I couldn't leave my friends. I cared for Draco but if he was going ot be on the dark side, we couldn't be together. I wanted to talk to him about it but what if he told his parents that he sided on the light?

We bought our supplies and Harry said a sad good bye to Sirius. He stayed in his Animagus form to come with us. We boarded the train and I sat in the compartemnt with George and Fred. Lee joined us not long after. I hadn't seen Draco.


When we finally arrived for the Great Feast I finally saw Draco. His hair was neatly slicked back as he laughed with his friends. He noticed my glance and gave me a weak smile and wave which I returned. My heart fluttered.

It was hard, needless to say. He was handsome, charming, kind, and loving. That was how I viewed Draco. Not as this monster that everyone had portrayed him to be. I didn't want to be the cause of his potential death knowing that he'd probably follow in suit of his dad. Assumptions are wrong but I couldn't sacrifice my friends life for a selfish love.

The feast went on and we had recieved some new nervous students in our houses. The twins encouraged the new first years and put a smile on their faces.  I hadn't noticed how well George treated kids. They looked up to the twins excitedly.

In the middle of eating we are interrupted with an "Ahem." A woman dressed in pink stood in the front and stood at the eagle podeum.

"This year we will follow Ministry approved lessons of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Your teachings have been... scattered to say the least. I look forward to teaching you this year." the woman tells us. She smiles and it is the fakest thing I've ever seen.

"What does this mean?" Ron asks.

"It means the Ministry is trying to invade Hogwarts." Hermione chokes out.


When we reach the common room everyone sat around the fire to talk about Umbridge, the woman in pink. I took Georges hand and he raised an eyebrow at me and I gestured that we should go to his room. He smiles and gives me a nod leading the way.

Upon our arrival I shut the door and feel his chest touching my back. He put his arms above my head trapping me against the door. I slowly turn around and pull his face into mine.

It was like a sudden heat explosion. He kissed me as if he'd never get the chance again. I pulled away to catch my breath and saw the ravenous look in his eyes.

"I missed doing that." He whispers putting his forehead on mine.

"I need to tell you something first.." Itell him.

He leads me to the bed and sits next to me placing my hands in his lap. He seemed nervous, as was I.

"George.. A person dear to my heart asked me a question recently. It's been weighing on my mind and Ithink  I've the answer to it." I begin.

"What was the question?"

"Who would I save? I weighed pros and cons. I put in a lot of thought but if you want me, still, I'd love to make things official with you. I'm sorry for leaving you on the hook." I tell him.

He grins widely and pulls me into him for a kiss. We begin snogging when there is a knock on the door. Why is it when were always about to snog? I groan as he opens the door revealing Fred and Lee grinning. They'd heard our conversation and congratulated us.

"Now, I need to tell Draco." I whisper.


It was harder than I thought. He sauntered over to me with a smirk on his face. God, his face. He's handsome and I couldn't hold onto him any longer.  Part of me wanted to turn around. Run again. Flashbacks of our night together ran through my head.

The way he tasted. The way he whispered my name. The way he'd do anything for me. The way he moaned MY name. The way he talked to my parents.

"Sparks, you look enchanting." he says going for a kiss. I turn my head not giving him the chance.

"Draco..." I begin.

"Don't. Don't say whatever you're about to." He says and his gaze begins to turn hard again.

"I can't do this, with everything going on."I whisper. His face changes. He looks broken. I want to scream and cry. It's not fair.

"Fine." he tells me turning to walk away.

"There's going to be sides taken." I tell him.

"I would've chosen yours." He says turning around. He kisses me on the forehead and leaves.

What the fuck did I just do?

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