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I woke up with George wrapped around me and our limbs tangled together. I smile and look up at him as he groggily kisses my forehead. Separating we look around the room and notice it's empty.

I look at George and look at the door. I was feeling bold and walk over and lock the door. He looks at me raising an eyebrow and I straddle his lap. I begin snogging him before the door knob begins to rattle.

"George, Amber, can one of you let me in? I'm sorry I need to get clothing." Fred yells.

I sigh. George grins at me and whispers in my ear, " trust me. when we finally do it, you won't forget."

He gets up and opens the door for his brother fake punching him. The twins grin and I sneak passed them to go to my room to get dressed. Today was a free day and I wanted to get caught up on some homework.

When I enter my room I find Ginny crying. I rush over to her side pulling her into me.

"What's wrong with me?" she asks. Confused, I wait for her to explain what she means.

"Luna didn't want to be wtih me to begin with. That's why she dared me to kiss you." Ginny tells me. My mouth forms into an O shape and I rub her back gently.

Hermione comes in with her hair tussled and we look up at her and she shrugs at us. She notices Ginny's tears and comes and sits with us. Ginny tells her about Luna and continues to tell us the rest of the story. Luna wanted to date Pansy so she tried making her jealous at the party by kissing Ginny.

"Where were you?" Ginny asks looking at her.

"Uh, someone wanted to meet me. I can't say who." she tells us. We nod in understanding and she excuses herself to go shower.

"Ginny, do you want to go for a walk?" I offer.

She shakes her head and snuggles into me.

"I just want to lay here for a bit and collect my thoughts."  she tells me," you can go."

I knew I couldn't so I sent a patronus to George telling him to go on without me that Ginny was upset and needed me. I grabbed some chocolate and sat down again with Ginny. I open it and feed her a piece and she smiled a bit. We layed in silence and I felt her breathing even out. I decided to let her rest and snuck out to go shower.


Heading to the library, Draco sees me and comes over.

"Wanna be my date to Hogesmade, again?" he asks.

"Shit, I have to meet my parents. They want to talk about.. But, if you don't mind you can come with." I offer.

He agrees and wants to catch up with my dad anyway. I write a quick note telling my parents to meet me that weekend in Hogesmade and head up to the Owlery to send it. On the way I run into Cedric and congratulate him on his success with the second task. The third task was about a couple months away, but he seemed ready. Eternal Glory, am I right?

I enter the Owlery and wasn't prepared for the situation. Fred was snogging Angelina. I giggle and apologize for interrupting.

"You have bad habits, Sparks."He whines to me.

"You did the same this morning, Fredrick." I reply sticking my tongue out. I send the owl off with my letter and bid them both a goodbye.


The day for Hogesmade had finally come and Draco walked with me into the Three Broomsticks. We spot my parents and they wave to us and we sit with them. They ordered us butterbeers and tell us aobut their recent buisness trip.

"Honey, it's wonderful to see you with Draco." my dad says.

I nod and take a sip of my drink. I left out the part about my arrangement with George and him.

"I'm smitten with her sir."Draco gushes over me.  I elbow him and he throws me a smirk.

"Baby, we need to discuss Dumbeldore's letter.." my mom says.

I feel myself getting nervous and my leg starts shaking. Draco grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it.

" Well I went to the ball with a boy.. Maxim from Durmstrang. He.." I looked at Draco to finish my sentence. He looked at me and I nodded.

"He touched her inappropriately. He was dealt with accordingly. She's been taken care of by her Gryffindor friends and myself." Draco tells my parents.

They nod and begin tearing up.

"Mom, Dad, honestly. I'm fine. I've had a great deal of help dealing with it." I assure them. They seemed to buy my excuse and let it go. I think they didn't want me to relive it.

We finished catching up with my parents and they thanked Draco for taking care of me. He shook thier hands and escorted me back to the castle. He told me he'd sit with me at dinner and I nodded. It was so much easier to see my parents with Draco being there.


"It's all set, George." Lee tells him.

"Thanks, mate. Ah, I'm nervous." he says aloud.

"You'll be fine. She's a great girl." Lee says patting him on the back.


Dinner had come and I sat with Draco at the Slytherin table. His friends were all kind to me and I figured that was because of the power the Malfoy name had held.

We chatted about different things and I looked over to see Ron and Pansy sitting together. I nudged Draco and nodded in their direction. He sees them and shrugs. Looking further down the table I notice Hermione sitting with Neville and recognized the look in thier eyes. I hadn't seen that one coming if I'm to be honest with myself.

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