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I heard from Harry that they had ordered death for Buckbeak. I cried for him. Why did an innocent animal need to die? Draco. It always comes back to him. I took a deep breath. How was I supposed to give him a fair chance after this? I wasn't sure.

I tried to avoid him. He had tried talking to me a few times but I ran before he had gotten the chance to. I knew it wasn't fair but I knew my temper would get the best of me. Hermione tried taking a petition around to save him but very few people seemed to care.

"Not all people are kind, love." George told me. I snuggled into his shoulder while crying. The day of his death was upon us and I couldn't help but shed tears for the innocent life being unfairly taken. I held a grudge against Lucius after that.

"It's fucked up, Georgie." I sobbed.

He just held me and tried to help me calm down. There was nothing Dumbeldore could do besides be with Hagrid when it happened. George told me he had some assingments to finish for his O.W.L.S. so I sat with him and Fred while they studied. They were deep into their books and I turned my attention to studying them. It was just a moment of peace.


The next day Harry informed us that Sirius was innocent and framed by Peter Petigrew who was also Ron's rat Scabbers. In that moment I decided to trust Crookshanks' sense of judgement. Buckbeak was safe with Sirius. I let out a sigh of relief. Nobody was to know, not even my parents.

Summer was going to be long. I promised to visit everyone and Hermione even invited me to her muggle home. ON the train ride back I sat next to Fred and played some cards with Lee. He had a very good poker face. I just didn't know and got taken for all of my jellybeans.

I embraced all of the boys in hugs and promised to visit later in the summer. I took a deep breath and walked to my parents. Theyhugged me nd took me home. I told them what happened with Draco and they were upset that I hadn't told them sooner.

A couple days into being home I had gotten a letter from Draco. He wanted to see me and I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. I was still angry with him. I figured I'd better get it out of the way. I wrote back saying I'd come visit if he'd like and he sent me back inviting me that day.


"I can teach you how to play poker. They won't know what's coming when we get back." Draco encouraged.

I laughed. He apologized for everything. He didn't know that they were planning on murdering Buckbeak. He told me how Hermione had hit him and I figured he deserved a chance at redemption. We spent most of our day learning different card games and Draco taught me how to count cards. I'd spent most of my summer with him and had a fun time.

Towards the end of our vacation I was allowed to see Hermione and then join the Weasley's when going to the Quidditch World Cup. It was an event that everyone who's anyone wanted to attend. Hermione showed me her home and what her parents did for a living and it facinated me. Muggles really had some neat contraptions.

"Then his Uncle looked so furious. His face got all red and puffy it was hilarious!" Ron exclaimed.

The Weasley's had gone to rescue Harry and Arthur had tried asking about muggle things while there. His aunt and uncle were furious and glad to be rid of the boy for another year. He also had found a home at the Weasley's like I had. The love this family had knew no bounds.

The days leading up to the cup went by fast. We all helped Molly with chores and played alot. The morning of the Cup was difficult to wake everyone. Groggily we made our way to the Portkey where we met Mr. Diggory and his son Cedric.

I knew Cedric from school and he was very handsome. He was in Hufflepuff house and was very kind. He seemed charming and was always surrounded by some group of friends.

We used the portkey and flew up into the air spinning. I didn't expect it and crashed onto Fred when we landed while Arthur, Amos, and Cedric landed gracefully laughing at us.

We had set up the tent and Ron was boasting about the Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum.

"I think you're in love Ronald." Ginny teased.

The twins ranaround shouting "Viktor, Viktor."

Wehn it was time for the game the twins placed bets with Ludo Bagman against my wishes. I told them it was a bad idea but they assured me it would be okay. On the way up we ran into the Malfoys. They hadn't seen me behind the twins but made some rude comments towards the Weasley's. I was furious. How dare they! Lucius had crossed a line but before I could open my mouth I was being pulled up towards  our seats.

"Forget him for now." George whispered in my ear.

I felt chills through my body. I suddenly lost intrest in the game and watched Georges expressions. He was so into the game he hadn't noticed me staring. What I hadn't known was Fred kept looking over at me while I was distracted.  Fred grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug once Krum and caught the snitch. The Irish had won which meant so did they boys. I embraced him back. They had made such an unbelieveable bet but it paid off!!

Soon after we returned to the tent and heard people screaming and shouting.

"Seems the Irish have got thier party on."

"Hurry, it's not the Irish." Arthur said running in out of breath. 

Rollercoaster LOVEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें