Take a look at my... friend.

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Yep, I'm doing it, full on frat boy


Harry was doing pretty well for a rich kid, he came to dive bars and ate greasy food with me and my school friends. Even worked a shift at the shop with me.

Ma and Paps decided to take a day off, their anniversary was around Christmas time so he took her into the city, for dinner and an overnighter.

He stayed out front, taking orders instead of actually making the pizza, that was a family secret that only we and my cousin Carmine kept- it was classified.

The people liked him, he was charming and handsome and got them to upgrade to a large without having to throw in free soda- he fit right in.

"Thanks so much," Harry said to the two teenage girls who were staring at him across the counter as he handed them their box, "come again, ladies."

They giggled on their way out, looking back at him through enamoured eyes and admiring grins, he seemed to have that effect on everyone he met.

I stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the shop floor, smirking at his obliviousness the 'first love' experience he was creating for the two girls.

"What are you looking at?" He joked, jutting out his hip and leaning against the counter.

He had covered his messy curls with a hat today, backwards on his head in fact, apparently embracing his inner frat boy. On anyone else, it would have went right over my head, he was wearing a hat, who cares?

But Harry looked so good with it on.

"You, becoming the subject of those girl's fantasies for the next few years." I chuckled, moving towards him slowly.

"Years?" His eyes bulged out. "That's a bit presumptuous, don't you think?"

"Are you kidding?" I furrowed my eyebrows, smiling as I stood right in front of him. "Teenage girls remember everything, H, 'remember that really hot guy from the pizza place that smiled at us, I wonder how he's doing', you're immortalised in those girl's heads."

He smiled at me, stepping forward and wrapping his hands round my waist, pulling me into his chest happily.

"I didn't know it was so complicated," he hummed, "how many people did I make such deep impressions on?"

"No clue," I said, fighting my massive smile as best I could, "but with a face like that- I'm betting quite a few."

Harry's mouth formed an 'o' before it broke out into a grin and he dipped his head down into my neck, tickling me with the hair poking out of his hat while he kissed me.

I giggled and fought him like a kid, eventually letting my hands knock the damned thing off and tangle up in his soft curls, completely melting into his body.

While his face was still buried in my neck, a familiar tune began to play on the radio, filling the shop with music, and a huge grin spread on my lips.

Harry pulled back from me, crinkling his eyes at the edges in a smile, recognising the song and holding his hand out for me to take.

"May I have this dance?" He asked, putting on a posh voice.

"The honour would be all mine." I replied in seemingly improved English accent, earning an impressed quirked eyebrow from Harry. "What? You think I spent all this time with you and didn't learn anything."

A sultry expression took over his face and his eyes darkened. "Not, nothing, Frenchie."

I rolled my eyes at him, shaking my head and turning to pull away, knowing he would keep me firmly in place.

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