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This is how bitch boy is looking todayyyy

Listen to faith by George Michael
And Dress by Charlotte Sands- I love it sm


All anyone had been talking about in regards to me was my stupid hair cut, they said it made me look like a 'real frat boy'. So naturally I wanted to shave it all off and crawl into a cave forever.

Seriously, how crazy did people have to get over a stupid hair cut?

My father approved it- thank god, am I right?- he said I would look much more 'marketable' now that I didn't resemble an old homeless woman.

It stung a little, but then I imagined hitting him with a car and all was well.

I hadn't seen Anna since Monday, she'd been really busy with stuff for classes but she told me she was excited to see my haircut and I was headed to her place with Chinese food.

Anna stayed right across from where Alice used to room, before she moved off campus.

I always remembered going there on my first day here, to see her, and there was this girl standing at Anna's door, staring at me with these eyes I thought would burn right through me.

She had long brown hair, like the kind of mousy colour that blonde kids get when they grow up, and I always remembered those torn up chucks she wore, they looked like they would fall apart if she walked another step.

She kind of took over my mind for a little while, I looked for her but I couldn't find her on campus at all, she wasn't in classes or the cafe and when I went back to the dorm, Ollie and Anna were there.

I eventually came to the conclusion that she must have been visiting, a friend or family member, and I missed my chance.

But, if she had been Ollie's roommate, there's a chance I would never have met Anna, and I wouldn't trade her for anything, so it all worked out.

I rattled my fist on the door and it was answered by a small 'it's open', I twisted the knob, pushing it open with ease.

Music welcomed me, playing lowly through the dorm as I made my way to the kitchen counter.

I listened in closer to the song that was humming through the TV, Faith but George Michael, cute.

She hopped in from her bedroom, her chestnut coloured hair was bundled up on the top of her head and her body was covered in a massive sweatshirt that fell at her knees.

A flutter in my stomach forced a cough from my mouth and a giggle from her, she smelled great too.

"Oh," she sighed, sniffing at the containers on the counter, "Wong's is the best in town for sure."

"No arguments there."

She looked up at me and frowned slightly, "Why the hat?" Her voice was prying before a worried look crossed her features, "Dear god, did you have to shave it all off? Was it that bad?"

A laugh escaped my lips uncontrollably, I shook my head, pulling the hat off and ruffling my hand through my newly cut hair.

She gasped lightly, staring at my hair wide eyed, "Well," her voice was quiet and I grinned, "that's just unfair."

"What's unfair?" I cackled, turning back to the take out.

"You looked ridiculously hot with long hair, like a Prince or something," Anna explained, never tearing her gaze away from me, "and you look just as good with the cut. H, seriously, I hate you."

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