Friendship...or is it?

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Y'all better pray over this picture xoxo


Harry stayed for hours, laughing and singing along to Hairspray- which he made restart- it was just a great day, made me happy I wasn't made anymore.

I wasn't that mad anymore.

I whined a little when he had to leave, not wanting to give him up quite yet, it had been three days, that was a long time when you spoke to someone every day.

But alas, he went- despite my protests- personally unblocking his number from my phone before he did, changing his name to Cherry with a few appropriate emojis after.

When I first called him that, it was meant to be a joke. I was just going to say dear, but felt like Cherry would make a more profound impact, and now I adored it, because it encompassed Harry as a whole.

Pretty close to normal, but just a little better.

Ollie appeared not long after Harry left, looking slightly stressed and completely knowing.

"Lover boy came over then, Huh?"

"Don't call him that." I chuckled, watching as she flung herself down onto the couch with me. "Class not good today, no?"

She shook her head 'no', humming as she did, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath inwards.

Ollie had been really stressed recently, she had a million deadlines coming up and although everything she made was beautiful, it took a lot out of her to create them.

"You want some tea?" I cooed, leaning my head on her shoulder and she nodded again. "Okay."

My legs carried me over being the counter, plugging in the kettle Niall bought Ollie for Christmas and listening to it boil.

"I had a really good talk with Harry." I said, making her eyes flick to mine. "We're good, you know, I'm glad we're good."

A sly smirk worked its way on to her plum mouth and a perfectly shaped eyebrow quirked upwards.

"Oh you so want to bang him." She chimed.

"What!" I exclaimed, widening my eyes. "How did you get that from 'I'm glad we're good' Olivia?"

"Oh come on, Anna," she giggled, "you're like a cat in heat, you salivate just talking about the boy. Just screw him and get it over with."

I tore my eyes away from her, hearing the kettle pop and moving to start with her tea.

"Ollie, you know I can't do that," I explained, putting the tea bag in her mug, "I need him as a friend, if it was anything more we'd be ruined."

"How'd you figure that?" She chirped, pulling herself up off the couch.

"Have you ever seen Harry be friends with a girl he slept with?" I furrowed my brows at her, stirring her drink. "Like, really friends? No. They smile at each other when they walk by and that's it."

Ollie chuckled lightly, taking the mug from me gratefully and blowing on it lightly.

"Were any of those girls friends with him before they slept with him?"

I opened my mouth to answer, taking a breath while I thought and closing it again. She was right, none of the girls I knew he'd slept with were ever anything before hand.

"You think that'll make a difference?"

"All the difference, An," she said, taking a sip of her tea, "if both of you want friendship, who's to say you don't both want a little loving too."

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