The Whole Truth

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Thank you x


My shift flew in, much to my dismay, and Harry sat at the table right in front of the bar for the duration.

Lee couldn't stop herself saying he was a 'really handsome boy' at every turn and that he 'couldn't keep his eyes off me,'- the stare she was referring to was making my skin crawl.

Little did she know that he was just waiting to ruin my life, to get some kind of dirt on me to make himself look big.

How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't I look around before I got in Julio's car? I always look around just incase.

However, at five til ten when I looked back at the stupid table, he wasn't there, his plate and cutlery were gone and there was no sight of the smug bastard anywhere.

Had he gotten bored of waiting and left? My heart hoped he had and my shoulders eased up a little bit as I grabbed my things to leave.

"See you Wednesday, Lee!" I called as I stepped out of the double doors.

"Bye, Anna!" She replied happily and the doors shut behind me.

I made my way down the steps as I always did, noticing that Julio's taxi wasn't there.

"What the-"

"Why are they calling you Anna?" Harry said from behind me.

"Holy shit!" I screamed in terror, spinning around to face him with my hands balled into fists, "What the hell, Harry!"

He chuckled a little, letting his eyes scan my stance in front of him.

"I didn't mean to startle you," he said, chewing on gum, "just thought I'd wait for you out here."

"I thought you'd gone home." I huffed, patting my coat down again.

"I told you I'd wait." He spoke with confusion lacing his voice.

"Sorry for hoping you forgot."

A silence fell between us, Harry kicked the gravel beneath his feet and I took out my phone to dial Julio's number.

"I told your taxi to go home by the way." He chimed, noticing what I was doing.

"What, why?"

"We're going to the same place," he shrugged, "no point wasting money on a cab when you've got a lift."

I frowned at him, feeling my heartbeat jump at the thought of having to sit in a car with him and explain myself.

Turns out there weren't many reasons for an heiress to be working in an old diner, other than disgrace or bankruptcy, and I really didn't want to create a bigger hole than I was already in.

I could have cried, Ollie, Niall and I worked so hard to keep the secret and I cocked it up with one minor oversight.

That Harry was a pain in the ass.

"Come on," Harry tilted his head to the side as he spoke, "I'll take you back."

I gulped, tempted to say no but I already knew he could make me go with him if he wanted to, all he had to do was dangle his findings in my face and I'd come running- so I just did as he asked.

The comfort that surrounded me when I jumped into the jeep again eased my heart rate slightly, it smelled of Harry I noted, of mint and cherries.

He got in after me and shut his door, waiting a moment before he looked at me.

"Okay, Addy, what's going on," he sighed, like he wasn't looking forward to finding out, "why are you working at this dive? And why are they calling you Anna?"

Pretending {H.S}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora