November 25th

357 24 3

V cute chapter.


Ollie did what she did every thanksgiving, she cried before she left, begging me to go with her, telling me I'd be no trouble and that her mother loved me.

I replied- as I always do- with a gracious no, I don't celebrate it I would say, it would be a waste on me, and she would finally leave after about an hour of arguing about it.

This time around felt a little harder to deal with, it was the last time she'd be begging me to come with her in our dorm, in our little bubble.

But again, I was alone in the pink wonderland with my sweats on and Hairspray playing loudly on the tv.

I never went home for Thanksgiving, it was an unnecessary expense and we didn't celebrate it anyway, it seemed a little weird to celebrate a massacre.

Instead I FaceTimed my parents and promised I'd see them soon, to which they replied with 'are you eating enough, you look so skinny', and I wondered why I was a fat kid.

Harry appeared unannounced halfway through the movie, not even bothering to knock before making his way in and sitting down next to me.

"Don't you have a massacre to celebrate?" He said, dipping his hand into my bowl of chips, grabbing a few and popping them into his mouth.

"Not my thing." I replied, crunching down on my own mouthful, "doesn't sit right with me."

He hummed in response, watching the actors dance around on the tv as he swallowed the food.

He stayed quiet through the rest of the film, occasionally singing along to a song or two, laughing at the jokes, but he respected that I was enjoying it.

Kacy used to moan and groan whenever I would even suggest watching it, he said it was so unrealistic and boring- 'Who the hell bursts into song out of nowhere?'- but Harry actually seemed to enjoy it.

When the final song began to play I noticed his feet tapping rhythmically, his chipped fingernails began to drum a beat on the leather couch and I smiled.

"This is such a tune." Harry chirped when the chorus kicked in, bouncing up and down in his seat, "I went and saw this with Louis you know, at the Hollywood Bowl."

My head snapped round to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows and letting my lips tug up at the corners.

"You and Louis went to see Hairspray?"

"Yeah," he grinned, still bopping his head along with the music, "Nick Jonas was Link, it was amazing."

"You were only sixteen when Nick Jonas was in Hairspray," I told him, turning back to the tv, "you and Louis were comfortable enough to go see a musical when you were in high school?"

"Did I not tell you that people messed with Louis at their own risk?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I conceded.

"Okay," I smiled, "I'm officially jealous, I've never seen it live."

Harry turned his head fully to look at me properly, bending his knee up to sit on the couch.

"I'll take you some day," he promised, knitting his eyebrows together, "when it's back on Broadway, yeah?"

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