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I left Kacy's room with a mission in mind, I had to speak to Harry immediately.

It wasn't that late, he would still be awake.

At least that's what I was telling myself as I took off down the hall completely forgetting all the silent spots and making enough noise to wake a coma patient.

I didn't care though, my awareness was completely dulled and the only thing I could focus on was getting to Harry's door.

My feet stopped just short of battering into the wood, so close that my chest brushed against it.

"Harry," I said quietly, "Harry it's me, open up."

There was no movement behind the door, there was no light peeking out from under it but I knew he was up.

"H," my voice cracked slightly, "please open the door."

Shuffling was audible through the wood, sock covered feet scrambling across the floor to get to me.

The door swung open to reveal him in the same clothes as last time, deep purple bags hung under his eyes and a curious look covered his face.

"Anna?" He spoke with a hoarse voice.

I pushed past him, walking into his dark airless room with a fire under my ass.

He closed the door behind me, turning to face me and leaning against it with a frown.

"Kacy knows who I really am." I stated. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Guilt washed over his tired face, the crease between his eyebrows deepening as he nodded a confirmation.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned him.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It was already over by the time I found out." He told me.

"Bullshit." I replied in a clipped tone. "Your dad told me when he dropped the papers off, there's no way Kacy would have waited to tell you."

Harry looked like a dear in the headlights, caught in a lie he didn't know I was aware of.

"I came here to ask him he wanted, so I could keep him quiet," I divulged, "but he said he already got it. From you."

His jaw clenched harshly, the skin covering the bone jutting out sharply in the dull room.

"But him finding out, you cheating, it's all too... convenient."

The pale moonlight cascading in through the bedroom window set his eyes alight, the once vibrant green now dull and lifeless.

I could have understood cheating and then regretting it but this was something different altogether.

Harry's room was a pigsty, there was a little nest of blankets on the floor next to his bed and empty packets of junk food piling up in the corner.

The sheets on his bed were the same ones we slept in weeks ago, they were mussed but didn't appear slept in.

A messy room and self isolation were signs of a depressive episode, guilt over cheating couldn't do that to him, could it?

I swung my head round to look out the window, the overflowing ash tray filled with cigarette butts catching my eye.

"And the smoking," I began, still facing the window, "that's not something you just picked up. Are you doing it to punish yourself or something?"

"Niall made me-"

Pretending {H.S}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें