Misery in the Morning

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Hey yall, thank you so much for the support so far, if you're enjoying the story, vote, comment, recommend me- I just want to get my book out there xx

Songs to listen to:
Literally anything sad, probably a little Carrie Underwood.


The light felt like acid pouring into my eyes when I opened them the next morning, the thought of moving made me feel sick and all I wanted was a McMuffin.

But alas, I was the only one home.

In my inspection of the house I noted that Ollie's clothes from last night weren't strewn all over the living room so they must have stayed at the house.

Looking down at myself, I couldn't help but grin, I couldn't even count the number of time I had to scoop him off the floor at a party, so I felt at ease knowing he would do the exact same for me.

I met Kacy pretty early on in the 'Addy St James' ruse, immediately dubbing him a waste of my time and tried to move along, but, he kept coming back.

He wrote me letters, brought me flowers, did everything and anything you would find in a romance novel to prove that he wasn't a flimsy frat boy.

So, eventually, I gave him a chance.

We've been together ever since- well except for the month long break up of summer junior year, we like to forget about that.

I searched for my phone, looking to text Ollie to ask her when she was coming home, but I had no luck. As a matter of fact, my jacket and bag were nowhere to be seen.

'I left them in Kacy's room,' I said in my head, running a hand through my frizzy hair.

"I'll have to go and get it." I whispered to myself and sighed because I had to change out of my pyjamas.

I didn't do anything special, just joggers and a sweatshirt- Walmart's own but the label said Nike, I pulled my unruly hair into a sleek low pony tail, powdering a bit of make up onto my tired face.

"You have to look good all the time, Anna," Ollie drummed into me when I tried to leave in a hokey sweatshirt, "No matter what, always look like you're going to be papped."

"Papped?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

Ollie scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Like someone is going to take a picture of you."

That advice stuck with me all these years, no matter where I was going, never look a mess- always be presentable.

I went for my chucks- that Ollie had slapped a heart on and said it was 'couture'- pulling them on before grabbing my keys and headed for the bus.

Normally I would have enjoyed the walk with a brewing hangover, but I was desperately hungry and that takes precedence over a scenic stroll.

The bus dropped my off at the end of the road, I jumped off just as the walk of shame was beginning.

A sea of disheveled looking men and women began to pour out of the huge houses, some with smiles of victory and some with grimaces of regret.

I shivered looking at some of the more upset girls, I only ever did that walk once, worst day of my life.

The Kappa house was a wreck outside, solo cups, bottles and toilet paper covered the usually evergreen yard distastefully. I couldn't help but grin, Kappa parties were the best, it was law.

"Hello!" I called, closing the door behind me. "Anyone alive out there!"

Padded footsteps began to approach from the kitchen, "Addy?" Ollie asked, finally appearing from behind a wall.

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