Chapter 11

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Waking up, I feel a huge hangover kicking in. Not from the alcohol I consumed last night, but from what happened after I got home. I had been flirting with Matthew all of last night. Or at least, I tried flirting with him. I don't know how well my drunken ass succeeded.

I take a quick shower and get dressed. Luckily the alcohol isn't kicking my butt as much as it did a few days ago. I really hope I don't run into any of the guys. I'm guessing Evan and Logan noticed my pathetic attempts to flirt with Matthew and I'm not ready to face that shame yet. I don't know how things will play out with Mathew when we see each other for the first time again and I'm not ready to find out just yet. The longer I can avoid it, the better. I mean, how do you act after something like this? Do you just talk about it? Joke about it? Ignore it? And the worst part is that I would do it again if I had the chance.

Why do these things always happen to me? Why cannot my love life ever just be easy? The last guy I went out with was a complete disaster. On date three I found out he had a girlfriend of four years. And the only reason I found out was because her friends saw us in a bar and she came to confront him.

I hope that some coffee will make me feel better. It always does, so I'm betting on it. The only problem is that I'm out of coffee. I was planning on doing some more shopping this week, but because I made the guys coffee yesterday I ran out sooner than I expected. Comfort food will have to do then. Getting out the box of Frosties and a bowl I sit down at the table. The bowl is only half full when the last crumbs fall out of the bag. Annoyed I throw it to the counter. Could this morning get any worse.

"What did that box do to you?"

Great! Just who I was trying to avoid this morning. What else have you got in store for me universe?

"It got empty, that's what it did."

Matthew drops down in the chair next to me with a sigh. I'm guessing he isn't feeling great either.

"I could really use a coffee right now."

"That makes two of us. Unfortunately we're all out."

He drops his head on his arms on the table. On second thought he's in a worse state than I am. I don't know if he had more drinks last night than I thought he had or if we're worrying about the same thing. It's only worse because I don't know what he thinks of it. I don't even know if he remembers.

"Please tell me there are at least some Frosties left."

"This is all there's left."

I offer him my spoon and the little cereal that's still in the bowl. He eats them without hesitation.

I grab Adele's shopping list and add my own products to it. I always offer to do the shopping since Adele lets me stay here for free. She knows better than to argue with me but somehow I always end up with more money in my wallet than before. I wonder if she really thinks I don't notice than she just puts some tens in my wallet every time I offer to go to the shops.

"I'm heading to the shops, so if you want me to bring anything."

"Cereal and coffee for sure."

"Already on the list. Anything else?"

"I have no idea. I feel like my brain isn't functioning yet. My caffeine addiction got real bad the past year apparently. I can come help you if you want, I don't want you to have get all of our food by yourself."

If that doesn't increase my anxiety levels by a million I don't know what will. Not only will I be walking in a supermarket with him, we'll be sitting in the car together for half an hour. Twice. Just breathe. In and out. Everything will be fine. You can handle you dad, you can handle this.

"Sure, I'll be leaving any minute if you're ready. We can stop at the bistro to get some coffees to go to wake up."

He gives me a grateful smile and leaves the kitchen. He's back a minute later with his shoes. I already have my trainers on and we walk out to the car in silence. The only conversation we have is when he asks me which coffee I want when we get to the bistro. I don't even put up a fight when he wants to pay for me. I just need to talk to him. That will make things better right? I mean, we can just leave it behind us. Not that I want to forget about it, but I'll have to.

Matthew gets back in the car with our coffees and hands me mine. I don't drive off just yet. Maybe it's best to not be driving during this conversation.

"Can we talk about last night?"

Matthew freezes, his coffee cup hanging in the air.

"I'm sorry if I made things weird between us. I should have controlled myself better."

"Ehm... Don't worry about it. We both had some drinks, it happens."

On the one hand I'm glad he isn't mad at me or makes this even more awkward. On the other hand I'm disappointed. I think deep down I was hoping we would confess his love for me and we would live happily ever after. Reality check, Megan, you're not living a Disney fairy-tale.

"Okay, great."

With that I drive off, hoping the rest of the trip won't be awkward. We fall into some small talk soon enough and by them time we get to the store I've lost most of my nervousness. Maybe I just need to get him out of my head, move on and enjoy my summer. These guys seem fun to be around and if we're going to spend the next three weeks together, I better make sure I get along with them and don't get even more awkward with either one of them, especially Matthew. I mean he's just a guy, right? He just had those deep brown eyes I could get lost in. And his shirt stretches around his arms when he grabs something from the top shelf. And the way he talks about his family, and.... God damn it. 

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