Chapter 17

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After talking to Matthew I felt the best I have in a long time. My friends know parts about my life back home, but none of them know the full story and how I feel about everything. Matthew is different. He gets me. He's been through so much shit himself, he just knows what I'm talking about.

Who could have thought, two people with at least one fucked up parent meet at a party and three years later they end up spending the summer in the same house in Santorini. The only part left is where we fall madly in love and live happily ever after.

Although the falling part is happening rather fast for me. Every time I see him, my stomach does a somersault. Every time he says something, it's like the rest of the word turns silent.

After we opened up to each other about our family live, we spend the rest of the day just lying on my bed, talking and laughing. It's great to meet someone with the same sense of humour as me. I can be rather blunt and sarcastic. My friends at uni don't know me that well, so I try to hide that part of myself in order to not hurt people's feelings when they don't realise I'm joking. With Matthew, I can just let it all out. We can roast each other completely without being afraid to hurt each other's feelings.

For hours we just watched Friends and commented on every scene and dialogue. We both have seen the series multiple times, but this is one of those shows that you never grow tired off. Chandler is such a mood sometimes and having someone next to me to talk to about it makes it even more fun.

We just lay next to each other for a few hours, our hands occasionally brushing against each other, sending tingles all through my body. I can hear his breathing, making me feel oddly relaxed. A few times we looked at each other as we said something, our faces only inches apart. I had to hold myself back, I would have totally kissed him if I didn't show the self-control I did. I'm still not completely sure of how he feels about me. We shared that one kiss in the kitchen while drunk a few days ago, but other than me flirting with him, nothing else has happened.

"She's so pretty."

Every time I see Jennifer Aniston, I pray that I will look that amazing when I get older.

"Sure, but I think you're prettier."

Say what now? He thinks I'm pretty? Did he just say that or am I hallucinating? I look at him from the corner of my eye to find him looking at me already.

"You don't believe me. Have you seen yourself Megan? You are stunning. The way your face lights up when you're around a camera. The way you talk to your friends, and mine. Your personality is special. You care for people, you light up a room when you walk in."

I... How... Okay. What the hell should I say to that. People have complimented me before, but never the way Matthew just did. All that I can do is blush until I turn the colour of a tomato and try to focus on the TV again. Matthew's not having any of that and puts his hand on my cheek and slowly moves it back towards him. Feeling the heat of his hand on my skin lights my whole body on fire. His pupils are so large that I can barely see the brown around them. His eyes are focused on my lips while mine keep going from his lips to his eyes. He has such beautiful eyes. I could get lost in them for hours. His eyes move back to my lips.

"I'm going to kiss you now."

I don't stop him. I remember the way his lips felt against mine a few days ago and I was drunk out of my mind that night.

His lips are warm against mine, touching lightly. His hand is still against my cheek, his fingers tangled in my hair. He is mesmerising. His touch, his scent, his taste. Everything about him makes me forget about what's happening around me. I no longer notice the rain clattering against the window, nor the sound of Friends still playing in the background. It's just me and him.

I feel his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him, our bodies pressed together. I cannot even imagine a kiss that made me feel anything like I'm feeling right now. I let my hand get all tangled up in his hair, softly pulling it as I deepen our kiss.

I don't know for how long we continue like this, only stopping for a few seconds every now and then to catch a breath.

The creaking of my door makes us jump apart. Suddenly reality comes crashing back down on me. The light seems brighter and the sounds of the TV and the rain sound louder. Matthew and I both stare open mouthed at the doorway. We just got caught making out and I feel like we will never hear the end of it.


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I would love to get to know my readers better, so here are some questions for you 

What are your favourite flowers?
--- Mine are peonies and carnations 

What is your favourite holiday?
--- I absolutely love Christmas!

Who are your favourite authors?
--- I love everything written by these authors --> 

Who are your favourite authors?--- I love everything written by these authors --> 

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