Chapter 39

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Falling back into my routine is harder than I expected. I would always wake up early for my morning shifts at the coffee shop, but this summer I skipped those early alarms. The past two weeks at Matthew's Louis would wake us up pretty early, but waking up for a toddler at 7 am or being ready to leave for work at 7 am are two different things.

I drag myself out of the door to walk to the coffee shop. Luckily it's already starting to get sunny, which is a blessing this morning. I do love this September weather. It's still sunny and warm out, but the leaves on the trees are starting to get ready for autumn.

I usually work until noon, but they asked me to work an extra hour to help with the lunch crowds. I'm supposed to meet with Logan today so I quickly shoot him a text asking to meet a bit later. I won't have lectures until four, so we still have plenty of time to catch up.

"A double espresso and a blueberry muffin, darling."

I don't have to turn around to recognise his voice. Shooting a quick glance at the clock tells me my shift is over.

"Coming right up, Logan. Find a table already, if you want."

I make his order and my own using my employee discount. I cannot even begin to calculate how much that card saved me over the past three years.

"How is life? Uni already catching up on you?"

"Don't get my started. The fact that I order a double espresso should say enough. It's only the first week, and I already have three assignments due next week, two essays to write and a midterm in only three weeks."

"Well, come here at the end of my shift and I'll get you the discount on your espressos."

"Thank you, queen of coffee."

"You gotta stop the compliments, Lo. You're going to make me blush."

"That will definitely make Matthew jealous. Also, keep that nickname. I like it."

"How are things with Maya?"

"Maya? Nothing going on. Why do you ask?"

"Because you clearly like her. Don't go messing with me, Lo. I saw the way you two hit it off back in Greece, talking about movie premieres. Come on, tell me. I won't tell the guys."

"Swear you won't tell them. I know you're dating Matthew and all, but they will give me hell over this."

"Swear, on a lifetime supply of coffee."

"Okay, so... we've been texting. Sometimes we facetime. And I told her if she wants to come for the premiere of that movie, I can get us tickets."

"That's amazing Logan! I'm so excited for you!"

"I just don't want to get my hopes up. She still has to see if she can come. And what then? Long distancing with someone in Greece is not exactly easy."

"I know. But let's stay positive alright?"

"So, what's going on with you and Matthew? How was staying with Emma?"

"It was amazing! Emma is the sweetest."

"Stop making heart eyes when I say his name, damn girl. I have to agree that Emma is the best. Whenever my mum had one of her new boyfriends over, Emma would insist on me staying with them for the night. I don't want to know how many awkward breakfasts I skipped out on thanks to her."

"I'm sorry about that. At least you had Emma. How's your flatmate?"

"Equally awkward as mum's boyfriends. He spends all night gaming and gets angry when I leave the flat in the morning because I woke him up."

"But you aren't a morning person, so it cannot be that early."

"No it isn't. I never leave for the gym before 9.30."

He tells me more stories about his flatmate and we laugh until we cry. That dude really is weird.

"If it gets too crazy, you can still move into my spare room. That is if you don't mind Matthew being there some weekends. And that I leave the flat at 7."

"I might just take you up on that offer. You also live closer to campus. And you're not annoying."

"Well, thank you. Can you keep plants alive, though? Because my plants may need someone to rescue them."

"We can watch them slowly die together."

"Deal. Just tell me when I should have the room empty."

AN- I loved writing the friendship between Logan and Megan! What kind of scenes do you want to see more of? Are there any things you're still missing in the story? Let me know if you have any feedback!! 

~~~AN- I loved writing the friendship between Logan and Megan! What kind of scenes do you want to see more of? Are there any things you're still missing in the story? Let me know if you have any feedback!! 

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