Chapter 2

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Normally I wouldn't mind being abroad half the summer, but this year I'm not too sure about it. When Logan came with the idea of going to Greece this summer I agreed, only to find out a few weeks later that my mum was pregnant and is due a few weeks after the end of the summer break. I wanted to cancel the trip, Logan would have found someone else to take without a problem, but mum refused and wanted me to go.

My family means everything to me. I moved out three years ago when I went to university. Mum lives too far away to have been able to commute every day, so I had no other choice than moving out if I wanted to go to my university of choice. I go home as often as I can. Every holiday, every weekend I didn't have to study all day. I would get in my car and drive the two hours to mum's house.

Saying bye to my family before getting on the plane is torture. Mum tells me to have a good time and not to worry about her. Louis gives me a long hug and asks me to bring something cool for him. He's only three and has probably no idea that he won't see me for a few weeks. I tell him to be good and take good care of mum. David, my stepdad wasn't able to take the day off of work, but I saw him yesterday and he assured me not to worry about a thing and be young while I have the chance.

There was no more time to be sad as soon as I got to my friends. Logan always knows how to make everyone happy and he's probably one of the most cheerful people you'll ever meet. He's extra hyper knowing we'll be spending the whole summer in Greece.

Evan takes the window seat and I take the isle one, I don't mind having some extra room for my legs. Logan doesn't mind the middle seat, he's super excited about the vacation and all of our chairs are moving due to him jumping in his seat. Evan does his best to keep him down, which isn't that difficult since he's much bigger than Logan. Evan is almost the exact opposite of Logan. Where Logan is always cheerful and happy, Evan is a bit more distant, he looks like a tough guy, but once you get to know him, he's as soft as a marshmallow.

The three of us met in the first year of high school and have been friends for ten years. Evan and I went to the same university while Logan went to a university a few hours away. We don't see each other every week, but don't be fooled. He videocalls us every other day in Logan style. In other words, he happily talks about everything he did that day, everyone he talked to and every girl that flirted with him. Although I don't take that last thing too seriously. Logan is too nice for his own good and it wouldn't be the first time girls try to use him for their own confidence.

Evan and I moved into an off-campus flat only a few minutes away from campus. I didn't like the idea of living in a dorm with someone I didn't know and most likely didn't like. The problem is, I don't really like most people. I've never been good with meeting new people which just ended up with me not liking people in general.

Having our own flat is the best decision we ever made. Having your own shower, having a clean kitchen. Not having to be afraid to catch a disease after touching anything in the communal spaces. No noisy neighbours, although Evan can be pretty loud when he has someone over, but luckily our rooms are not next to each other. I cannot even count the number of times I was joined by a stranger at breakfast and it wasn't because I brought them home.

Having friends that are so different from me in many ways makes me come out of my comfort zone from time to time. And I'm fine with that as long as it's not too often. Ever since I was little, I built these walls around me, protecting me from everyone outside of it, and that's not something I break often. The only people in my circle are Evan, Logan, mum, David and Louis. Over the years I let two people in, the first fucked me over, the second I wish I had the chance to get to know better. I've never been one to be with a lot of girls, most of my years were spent being too awkward to even talk to girls and after I could finally talk to a girl without getting nervous, it just never seemed to happen. Although I don't think it's bad that I spent my years being single. I managed to complete my studies with honours while also working part-time at the student centre.

For years mum raised me by herself. I would spend an occasional weekend at my father's house but I never really liked going there too much. Mum would struggle to get all the bills paid on time, she tried to hide it from me, but as I got older I started noticing things. Luckily she met David when I was five. A year later we moved in with him and he raised me like his own son. For years things were easier but after Louis was born, the expenses started going up again and with a new baby due in just a month, things won't be easier. Mum and David wanted to pay for all of my university expenses, but I knew what a burden that would be on them, so I paid as much as I could myself. Luckily the university pays rather well, so working there for four years allowed me to at least pay all of my living costs myself. 


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