Chapter 34

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I've been home for four days and mum is due in a week, but that isn't stopping the baby. She woke up with contractions and dad took her to the hospital early in the morning. I'm still home with Louis. You don't want to take a three year old to the hospital where he needs to be calm for longer than necessary. I send Megan a text, saying that the baby is coming early and I promise to keep her updated.

A little after noon, David calls me to tell me that the baby is born. He doesn't say anything more, mum wants to tell me the name and sex of the baby herself. I decide to give Louis lunch before we head out. I cannot deal with a grumpy and hungry toddler all afternoon.

"You're a big brother now, Louis."

"Does that mean I'm as big as you are now?"

I look at him, sitting on my lap, so much smaller than me.

"Not yet, but if you eat your veggies, you will be soon."

And that's how you get a three year old to eat vegetables. I don't know how long this trick will work for, but for now, I'm sticking with it. I make sure to bring plenty of toys for Louis to keep himself occupies at the hospital.

The drive to the hospital is short and I'm in mum's room in no-time. I hold Louis' hand when we walk in so he doesn't immediately jump on mum. Dad takes him and I go give mum a kiss and hug before I congratulate the two of them.

"Her name is Lily Mea Elliott."

"It's a girl?"

I don't know if I was expecting a boy of a girl, but having a baby sister, that's something. As if she hears her name, she begins crying.

"You can get her of you want."

I carefully get her out of her crib and hold her in my arms.

"Hi gorgeous. I'm your big brother."

"I'm also big!"

"Do you want to see your little sister Louis?"

I sit down on a chair and David comes to stand next to me with him so he can see his sister. Louis always loved talking to mum's belly so I hope he's just as sweet to the baby.

"We're going to protect her, right Louis?"

"Yes, no bad people."

"That's right."

He gives her a kiss when David tells him to and then he's distracted again, sitting on the floor with a puzzle.

I look back at my little sister, tiny as can be, wrapped in a blanket. I remember the day when I first held Louis like this. I wonder what she will be like when she grows up. Will she be like Louis? Always wanting to learn more and run around. What will she look like in a few years? And when she is a teenager?

I know I will love her for the rest of my life. I will protect her, help her, take care of her.

I wonder if maybe in a few years, I'll be sitting in a similar room, holding my own son or daughter. Having Megan next to me.

After a few hours, Louis is bored of sitting in the hospital room, so I decide to take him home and cook us some dinner. Dad will be staying in the hospital tonight and all three of them will be coming home tomorrow.

After I finally get Louis in bed a few hours later, I let myself fall down on the couch and call Megan.

"Hey baby, how was your day?"

"It was fine, I set up my new desk and got some plants. Yours must have been way more interesting. Lily is the cutest little baby."

"I know. She's so tiny and absolutely adorable. I cannot wait for you to meet her."

"Just a few more days baby."

"So, how are you feeling about meeting Owen tomorrow?"

"I'm nervous, but also looking forward to it. I'll finally have a brother and I just hope we hit it off and can actually build a relationship."

We talk about their meeting some more. She tells me about the café they're meeting at. I'm glad Owen offered to drive to Megan in Bath so she doesn't have to go into London by herself. I cannot imagine how nervous she is, and having to struggle with trains into the city would only be more nerve-wracking.

"You can call me in the morning if you want to talk, alright?"

"I will. And I'll call you as soon as I get back. Do you know what time your mum and David will be home with Lily?"

"Probably late in the afternoon, so you can just call me. I may be struggling with Louis, but I'm sure he wants to say hi to you as well."

Louis and Megan haven't met yet, but they've seen each other on face time. They seemed to get along fine on the call and Louis was amazed by Megan's curly hair. Almost everyone in our family has straight hair, so it's something he hasn't seen too often probably. 

AN - Louis and Lily are so fricking cute in my head. Also how cute are guys that are good with kids <3

 Also how cute are guys that are good with kids <3

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