Chapter 33

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Yesterday was amazing. We had the best day and it was great to have one more night with my old friends and my new friends all together. One more night of singing and dancing until deep into the night. One more night of jumping into bed with Matthew. And jumping his bones for that matter.

Early this afternoon the three guys got into the car with me and I drove them to the airport. Adele said bye to them back at the house because the car is too small to fit five people. Especially with the length these boys carry.

Saying goodbye to these boys isn't easy but I knew this day would come from the moment I met them three weeks ago and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Logan and I agree to meet each other soon at uni. He comes to the coffeeshop where I work often, so we'll be able to catch up from time to time with cheap coffee thanks to my employee discount. I know I'll see Evan whenever I go to visit Matthew, but I make him promise to text me. When I first saw Evan I though he was a bit cold and distant, but the more I got the know him, the more I got to see his caring side. He's super funny and the best to pull pranks with and I'm really going to miss messing with him.

Evan and Logan walk ahead so Matthew and I can have a minute alone. Well, as alone as you can get on an airport. We already discussed everything multiple times and we shared all of our worries and fears yesterday. I know I love him with everything I am and I can feel and see he loves me too. I know we'll be alright. I'm happy we're seeing each other again in two weeks because that makes saying bye now a little bit easier. I try to keep it together while we say goodbye and I kiss him once again before he has to join Evan and Logan to go through security.

Once I get to my car, there's no keeping it together anymore. I let out the tears I've held for the past hour while driving home. It's just my luck that the radio station decided to play love song after love song, making me even sadder. When I get back to the house Adele gives me a hug and tells me my friends are waiting for me.

The girls came up with a plan to keep my mind off of Matthew for as long as they can. I'll be on the island for a few more days and I intend to have as much fun with my friends as I can. I know I'll miss Matt and the boys, but this isn't the end of the world. I've been on my own for years, I'm sure I can deal without my boyfriend for a few weeks.

After the girls took me shopping we met up with the guys and had a nightlong beer pong competition. And believe me when I say it got competitive. I must say it got my mind off of Matthew for most of the night. He texted me when he got home and send a picture of his mum and Louis. Both of them seemed really happy to have him back again. I cannot imagine how Emma must have felt with her son being on vacation and only being two weeks away from her due date.

I'm really excited to finally meet Emma and Louis in a few weeks. I've talked to Emma a few times when Matthew had her on the phone and she's an absolute angel. She's super caring and you can see she loves her kids in everything she does. Not like my mother, who didn't even think to tell her kids about each other's existence before running out of both of their lives.

The final two days of my vacation I spend on the beach with my friends and drinking wine at Maya's family's winery. I've had such a great time with my friends, like all the years before. This year everything was a bit different with Matthew, Logan and Evan joining us but I'm glad my friends got along with them just as well as I did. Some of them got along a bit more than well.

I do miss Matthew whenever I'm alone. I miss him when I get in bed by myself and I miss waking up with my head on his chest.

I've never needed anyone in my life. And I still don't. I don't need Matt to survive, I could easily live my life without him. the thing is, I want him. I want him in my life. I want to tell him about my day and ask about his. I want to make dinner together after we both come home from work or school. I want to lie in bed together while watching a movie.

All I need to do to make that happen, is to finish this year so I can get my degree. The sooner I finish, the sooner I'm free to go where ever I want to go. I can spend plenty of weekends with Matt for the coming months, I will just need to finish my work before Friday evening, so I can get in my car and drive up to go see him.

The more I think about our future together, the more the puzzle pieces start to fall together. We can make this work. This is only more motivation for me to get my degree.

On my last night in Santorini, I get a text from Emma. She sent me a picture of Matthew and Louis sitting on the couch together watching a Disney movie. They look so cute together. And seeing them in one picture makes the resemblance between the two even more apparent. She tells me to have a good flight tomorrow and that she cannot wait to meet me in two weeks.

I fall asleep, dreaming about Matthew, just like I've done the past few nights. 

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