Chapter 21

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I cannot believe it. I have a boyfriend now. I knew Matthew liked me, I mean we did kiss multiple times over the past few days. I however did not expect to be dating him already. Of course I thought about how things would go, if there would be a future for us since we both live in different cities. For some reason I never seriously considered dating. Maybe because we have only been here for a little over a week, or maybe because my dating life is a complete fail. Although at the moment my dating life is going great.

We're walking hand in hand again. We're laughing like crazy when we walk back into the house. A neighbour of Adele decided to wear a very questionable combination of clothes and we just happened to spot him as we walked in.

Logan and Evan are sitting in the living room, they look up as we walk in. It doesn't take them long before they notice our hands locked together. They both raise their eyebrows and smirk. I don't really know what to do. They're Matthew's friends, so it's up to him when and what he wants to tell them.

"We're upstairs. Just text me if you need anything."

Alright. I don't know if this is going the way I think it is, but alright. Let's find out.

"Matty my boy! I think you are the one needing something."

"Be safe kids!"

We walk up the stairs and as soon I close the door, Matthew drops down on the bed. Face first. He murmurs something but I tell him I can't understand him if he keeps talking into the sheets.

"I'm sorry about my friends. It's not that I don't want to tell them, I do actually. But I know how they can get. You just witnessed the light version of it and I don't want you to run away just yet."

"Don't worry. I can handle them just fine. It's them that should be ready to run when I give them that same energy back. Don't forget they both have their eye on someone as well."

"I like how your brain works. We'll definitely annoy the hell out of them about that."

Using the same routine as last night we both use the bathroom. It feels good to wash the ocean off my body after spending all afternoon there. We still have the whole evening left to ourselves.

I'm almost done braiding my hair when Matthew walks out of the bathroom. His hair is still wet, drops falling onto his shoulders and rolling down his chest. His lips form into a crooked smile as he sees me ogling him. I mean, how can I not. He only has a towel wrapped around his hips, hanging dangerously low, may I add. Maybe if I stare long enough it will drop. He quickly picks some clothes out of his suitcase before disappearing into the bathroom again. A minute later I'm still staring at the door when it opens again to show him in a pair of jogger shorts.

"What are you looking at?"


Alright Meg. Why be subtle? Nice and direct.

"What about me?"

"I'm thinking about whether I should jump your bones or not."

"I'm not stopping you."

Self-control Megan. Self-control. A whole lot of it. Nope, I'm not doing it. Doesn't matter how much I want to. God knows how long it was since I've been with a guy. And he makes me hornier than I've ever been. Nope. I'm not doing it.

"I think you should take me on that date first."

"Alright, I'll ask around a bit to plan something. I'll let you know."

I knew it wouldn't be easy to keep my hands off of him. But when he lies down next to me, his muscles flexing, the scent of his body wash hitting me. Damn. I never knew I could have this much self-control.

"Can you put on a goddamn shirt?"

"Why, is this distracting?"

"Yes it is. I'm trying my hardest here. A little cooperation, please."

Luckily he listens and throws on a shirt. It's the one I wore on the boat a few days ago. Just seeing the shirt makes me remember the scent of it.

"So what are you going to to now you finished uni?"

"Don't remind me. I can't deal with this summer having to end. But I've got an internship lined up at an architecture firm."

"That's great! Are you staying in Sheffield?"

"Yeah, at least for the next year. Mum and David have been talking about moving, so I'll see what they do. I don't really have a place I want to go."

"Me neither. I love England, but there isn't much keeping me there. I have a lot of people here on the island, but it isn't a good area to get a job. Although, the volcanoes here are more than interesting."

"You can always come here for holidays."

"Definitely. I may even get a house in this town."

"Wow. Those are quite some plans."

"More like a reality soon. Hopefully. My grandparents left their house to their relatives. There are some legal issues and possibly another relative wanting to claim, but I'm at least part owner of the house."

"You're rich! I didn't know I was dealing with a house owner. I really need to step up my game."

"Nah, just stay the way you are. That's how I like you best. "

AN -  

Next chapter they'll finally go on their first date!!

I'm also thinking about uploading twice a week from now on, let me know what you think!

Are there any things you want or expect to happen soon?

Are there any things you want or expect to happen soon?

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