Start from the beginning

Tom said "hey I'll see you."  She followed him.  She went and got in his car.  He said "Syd."  She said "Tom I know you're going to see his parent's so I'm going with you."  He said "I don't want you getting into trouble with Fuller ok."  Sydney said "Don't worry about me. I'm going."  He said "ok let's go."  Nadeen answered the door to their mansion.  She said "hi guys Come in."  Tom said "are your parent's home."  She said "my mom is gone doesn't live here, but my dad is here."  

Tom explained to the Weckerly's why he was there.  Mr Weckerly yelled at Tommy. He said "You have no right to come to my house.  That kid tore this family apart. I'll be damned if I'm going to let some outsider come in here and tell me what to do."  Sydney said "Mr Weckerly please listen to Tommy."  He said "we've tried everything, counseling, therapy, when he wouldn't go, I dragged him there, Officer Hanson you arrested my son, testified against him, I get you had a job to do, and you did it, then you moved on to the next case, but we didn't. We lived it every day, My wife left me. " Nadine talked back. and he told her to get her but upstairs. She left.  Tom said "i didn't mean to cause any trouble here, but in his letters he's saying he's being abused I just thought there might be something I could do to help."  Mr  Weckerly said "if you really want to help you'll mind your own business."  Tom and Sydney left. Sydney said "what now Tommy. I what a jerk his dad is, he wouldn't even listen to you. All you're doing is trying to help his son," Tom said "I don't get how parents can be like that not even care about their kid"  Sydney said "unfortunately I know all about that. My dad split town never looked back, and my mom abused me."  Tom said "I'm so sorry."  Sydney said "it's ok, so your next move what do you do."

Tom said "I guess go talk to the social worker that was assigned Kenny's case."  Sydney said "ok let's go."  Sydney said "Thank you for seeing us with no appointment. We really need your help on this."  She said "there's not much you can do, when parent's sign their kids away to one of these places."  Sydney said "What kind of place is this?" She said "most of the places are fine, but this is one of the worst for abuse stories, and all they want is their money,  the average bill at this place is $ 280,000 and magically most of these kids are cured about the time their insurance money runs out. She said the Roger S amendment could help."  Sydney said "Roger S."  She said "yes named after a juvenile that was incarcerated and abused."  She explained the amendment.  Tom said "is there anything that we can do to help Kenny?"  She said "not legally I'm afraid."  Sydney said "but there is something that we can do.?"  She said "if you could would want to, I could get you in, and then you could document and get proof and see what they are doing, if you can document and prove it and you could get him out."  Tom looked at Sydney.

Tom said "look ma'am I would, I mean I want to help Kenny, but um this is just not a good time for me, I mean me and my girlfriend need to work through some things."  Sydney said "Ma'am can we have a minute."  She said "yes I'll be right back."  She left.  Tom said "Sydney I can't leave right now, you want to break up with me."  Sydney said "Tom you have to, look I know you, you already blame yourself for Kenny being there, you feel like you let him down, and I know that if you don't go in and help him, and save him, you won't be able to live with yourself. It will eat at you."  Tom said "Sydney I know, but you just told me you want to break up with me, I don't I can't leave you right now."  Sydney said "you wouldn't be leaving me, ok, look, I think this is too dangerous for you to go alone, you need backup, let me go with you."  He said "no you can't.  Look I wouldn't be able to help Kenny, I'd be too worried about protecting you keeping you safe. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you in there.  Look I want to help him, and you're right it will  eat at me, but I can't leave you alone. I'm worried about you."  

Sydney said "look I'll be fine.  I can have Judy come stay with me ok."  He said "Sydney please don't break up with me. We can fix this, we can work this out, at least just don't break up with me now, take some time, think and let me convince you."  She said "ok Tommy look I don't want to break up with you, I love you, I always have and always will, but I thought I was doing what was best for you."  He said "you breaking up with me is what is worst for me, what is best for me is you. I need you.  I love you."  He hugged her.