"I don't think so"

Começar do início

"Are you ready Dream?" I said looking at him.

   I zoned out I couldn't help myself from looking at George. He had a dark blue turtleneck sweater on and classic black jeans.
He looked really handsome but wow George looked really nice. I help myself from staring at George admiring how good he looked.

"Hello Dream?" George said me blocking out his voice.

"Clay?" George said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yes sorry what?" I said after I jumped a little seeing how close George was.

"You zoned out or something" George said.

"Oh sorry" I said.

"It's ok anyways you look nice" George said looking at me.

"And so do you" I said.

"We should get going" I said grabbing my keys from my pocket walking out of George's room.

"Yah we should" George said following me.

"Come on Sapnap let's go" George said.

"Ok hold on" Sapnap said coming from the downstairs bathroom.

"Ok done" Sapnap said walking out of the bathroom.

"Woah jeez why do you look so nice" I said.

"Trying to impress someone" Sapnap said.

"OOoooo Sapnap has a crush" George said jokingly.

"No I don't!" Sapnap slowly raising his voice.

"Ok children let's get to the car" I said going to the car.

"Ok" George said closing the front door after Sapnap.

"Are we there yet?" Sapnap said.

"We just got in the car Sapnap" I said driving.

"whatever" Sapnap said in the back seat.

"We are 10 minutes away calm down" George said sitting in the passenger seat.

"Ok we're here" I said pulling up to a house with loud music and red solo cups on the lawn.

"I'm not sure about this" George said worried.

"Come on George" Sapnap said getting out of the car.

"It will be ok I will be with you the whole time" I said putting my hand on George's shoulder.

"ok" George said walking out of the car.

When me and Clay walk in the house Sapnap was already in the house before us there was flashing lights. Tons of beer kegs and red solo cups thrown everywhere. Loud music I was surprised how the police didn't come yet. Next moment Clay was gone and I was all by myself. I started looking around for Clay he said he wouldn't leave me.

"Hey what the hell are you doing!" Some random guy said he smelled like alcohol.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

Up and Down's of Florida... (dnf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora