
After practice and school, Iwa and Oikawa met up at the front of the school. "Hey." Iwa says walking up to Oikawa. "Hey Iwa~chan. Ready to go?" Oikawa asks, Iwa nods his head and two started walking to the library.

"Hello Ms. Murakami." Oikawa bowed a bit, along with Iwaizumi. "Oh hello boys! How was school?" She asked the two. "It was tiring." Iwaizumi replied, "It was okay." Oikawa says. "How was your dayd Ms. Murakami?" Oikawa asks. She smiles at the two, "It was peaceful. Iwaizumi-kun, did you like the book I reccomended?" Iwa nods his head, "Yes, I;m only up to the second chapter, but I like it so far." Ms. Murakami nods her head, "Glad you like it, I'll let you two go now. Enjoy your stay."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked over to their normal spot before Oikawa asked Iwa a question. "You were here yesterday?" Iwa nods his head, "Yea, I needed a place to think and do homework. Ms. Murakami also gave me a book to read." Oikawa nods his head slightly, "Alright."

The two do their work, joking around every now and then. "Iwa~chan, my mom wants you to come over tonight." Oikawa stated, "Tonight? I'll have to ask my mom though." Iwa takes his phone and texts his mom.


Oikawa's mom wants me to stay the night!

Good luck!


What? You're gonna need it 😉


Iwaizumi places his phone away and turns a bit red. "She said yes." Oikawa smiles, "Great. We can go after we finish our work." Iwa nods his head and tries to focus on his work.


"Bye Ms. Murakami. Enjoy your night." Iwaizumi says before the two leave. "Thank you Iwaizumi-kun. You enjoy your night as well you two." She says watching the two walk away. "Wonder when they'll get together..." She whispers to herself. "I'm sure they'll get together once Oikawa-kun realizes his feelings...but poor Iwaizumi will be heart broken if Oikawa gets a girlfriend..." She shakes her head slowly and goes to lock up.


"Hello Aunty. Thanks for letting me stay for the night." Iwaizumi says bowing a little. "Oh, none of that Iwaizumi. We've known each other for years. It's fine." She says smiling. Oikawa smiles and heads to the kitchen. "So~ Iwaizumi, got an eye out for anyone?" Mamakawa asks. "Uh, not really. I don't really focus on anything other than school." Iwa says blushing a bit. "Aw, that's alright. But don't forget to have fun. Alright?" Iwa nods his head and goes to look for Toru.

"Lets go to my room." Oikawa says dragging Iwaizumi upstairs. "Woah, alright." Iwzumi gets dragged to the room and sits down on the bed. "So? What now?" He asks, Oikawa just stands there in the middle of the room. "Hm...I don't actually know. What about a movie?" Oikawa suggests. "Sure." Iwaizumi answers.

The two put on a movie, "The Garden Of Words?" Iwaizumi questions, "Yes! I heard it's a great movie!" Oikawa exclaims sitting down next to Iwa. "Alright."

They start to watch the movie. "This seems boring" Iwa whispers to Oikawa. "It's not. You'll like it." Oikawa replies, not taing his eyes off the screen.

~Iwa's POV~
We watched the movie. By we, I mean Oikawa. I was distracted...the way the light from the TV hit Oikawa's face...he looked like he was from a movie. Or another planet...The way his eyes lit up when Yukino and Takao first met. And how his expressions changed when Takao confessed his feelings to Yukino. He looks so-

"But Iwa~chan. She's a teacher, he's a student. How would that even work?" He asked turning to face me. "I don't know." I shrugged. He turned back to watch the rest of the movie before his mom came up. "Dinners ready you two." We nodded our heads and turned the TV off.

"What were you two watching? It seemed interesting." His mom asked. "The Garden Of Words." I said. "It was a bit confusing." Oikawa said. His mom smiled and told us to eat.

While we were eating, someone rang the bell. "I'll go it that." She said getting up. "It's fine Mom. I'll get it. You continue to eat." Oikawa said before going to the door. "How are your studies?" She asked me taking another bite from the food. "They're good. Nothing too hard yet." She hummed and nodded her head.

"One-san!" We heard Toru exclaim. His sister came home? "Hey Toru. You grew so much!" She said. The two walked into the kitchen. "Oh, hello Iwaizumi-kun!" She exclaimed and came over to me to hug me. "Hey one-san." I said hugging her back. I haven't seen her in a while. "How's everything?" She ruffled my hair. "Good. What about you? And Takeru?" She smiled, "We're fine."

"So Iwaizumi~ Got a girlfriend?" She asked. I looked at her, "Nope. Still single." She nuged my arm, "Aw~ How come?" I shrugged. "I don't know. That one over there." I said pointing to Toru, "Steals all the girls." Emiko started to laugh. "Him? Stealing all the girls? No way." I laughed with her, "It's true! He goes on dates almost every other day!" I said. Oikawa groaned "I do not!" Me and Emiko continued to laugh.

"Get ready for bed you two!" Their mom yelled out. "Okay!" Oikawa yelled back. I stood upa nd hugged Emiko before she left. "Come here Toru." She waved to Toru. Wait...

He joined the hug and his face was right next to his. Oh. My. God! Calm down Hajime! "Good night you two." She said, "Good night One-san." We said, heading upstairs for bed.

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