9th Doctor X Reader- Valentine's Day

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So, I've decided in honor of Valentine's Day, I'd do a couple of little Doctor X Reader V-Day oneshots. I am also willing to do Doctor X Companion ones if anyone would like to request some! Enjoy!

9th Doctor X Reader

"Doctor, where are you taking me?" You asked anxiously but excitedly as the Doctor led you by the hand through a city. You assumed it was a city. You couldn't tell, because you were blindfolded.

Yes, it alarmed you when the Doctor first asked you to put it on only a few minutes ago, but he told you that "It's so I can surprise you, and it's surprise you'll definitely love, (Y/N)!" He had sounded so excited, so you decided to do what he wanted. It was beautiful to see him so happy.

"You'll see soon enough!" The Doctor said as he suddenly yanked your arm to your right. "This way!"

"Aah! I'm going to run into something, I swear." You said exasperatedly.

"(Y/N)! I'm offended! I pilot the biggest and best ship in the universe! By myself! When there's supposed to be six pilots! I'm not going to let you run into something." The Doctor said as he led you a little to the left. You thought you heard a little cart ride by, and after you heard it far behind you, you heard someone shouting in-what language did that sound like?-oh! French!

"Doctor, are we in France?" You asked excitedly.

"W-what makes you think that?" You heard the Doctor hesitate.

"Well, I just heard French, so..." You replied triumphantly.

The Doctor sighed as he pulled you to a stop. "Yes, we're in France. But! You don't know exactly where in France yet. So, it's still a surprise. Ha-ha." You could almost hear the smirk in his latter sentence.

You huffed a breath. "Just tell me already!" You whined.

"Just be patient, (Y/N). Goodness, you're almost as impatient as me sometimes!" The Doctor started walking again, leading you by the hand once again.

You thought you heard a 'ding!' noise, and the sound of two doors rolling open. An elevator, perhaps?
"What level?" You heard a woman's voice ask in a French accent. Hmm, the TARDIS's translator in your head must have translated for you this time.
"Top please," the Doctor answered politely as he led you through what you were now certain the doors of an elevator.

"An elevator...hmm.." You said partly to yourself, partly out loud. "That means, at least, 20th-21st century on? We're around that time...or far after..."

"Good deductions, Sherlock Holmes," the Doctor joked. It didn't sound like sarcasm though, but like he was genuinely impressed.

"Thank you, my dear Watson!" You said, scratching at the itchy blindfold. Suddenly, you felt a slight movement beneath your feet, which you knew to be the elevator moving up. You lost your balance and started to fall, only to be caught by the Doctor, who was now laughing.

"Oi, stop it!" You fake-whined, laughing now yourself. "It's hard to stand up right when you're blindfolded in a moving elevator!" The Doctor only helped you up without saying anything, but you didn't have to be un-blindfolded to know that he was grinning.

"Top level," the French woman said as you felt the elevator stop, and heard the doors open with another ding.

"Thank you," the Doctor said to the woman as he led you out the doors carefully.

"Alright, (Y/N), are you ready?" The Doctor asked excitedly.

"I've been ready since you put this bloody thing on!" You laughed.

"Okay, here you go..." You felt him tug at the blindfold's knot at the back of your head. You felt it get very loose, and he pulled it off. "Hope you aren't afraid of heights!"

As your eyes adjusted to the brightness, you gasped and gazed in awe at the view. An large park below, with an entire beautiful spread of city life beyond it. You could see for miles and miles, including a vast body of water in the distance. It was breathtaking.

You turned to the Doctor and smiled surprised. "The Eiffel Tower," you said dreamily. "It's...so amazing!" You exclaimed turning back to the view to stare at its beauty more. "Thank you for taking me, Doctor."

"Absolutely no problem, (Y/N). I love it here too." He said quietly, him too sounding amazed. "Plus, it was quite hilarious to see you blindfolded and almost running into things." He laughed.

You slapped him lightly on the arm. "It was dangerously exciting, I guess."

You both sat in silence for a while, admiring everything. Suddenly, the Doctor asked, "You know what day it is today?"

"No, what day is it?" You answered curiously.

"Valentine's Day," he turned to you and smiled sheepishly.

"So that's what this is about! You knew how much I loved Paris, didn't you!" You exclaimed.

"Well, it's hard not to know, with you mentioning it so many times," the Doctor remarked. "So, I thought, why not take you here as a Valentine's present!"

"I think this is the best I've ever received!" You say gratefully. "Thanks again."

"Again, no problem," He said. "Are you cold?" He asked concerned, and you realized you had been shivering. It was really brisk and windy up here in the clouds.

"Yeah, a little bit," you put your hands on your opposite arms, rubbing them to try to to create heat.

"C'mere," the Doctor said, putting his arm out. You realized he wanted to give you a hug, and you gratefully accepted. "I'll keep you warm. Can't have you getting a cold for our next adventure, now can we?" He wrapped his arms tight around your upper waist. "Time Lords have inner temperatures that are more resistant to outside temperatures. Makes it so we're more comfortable in colder or hotter weather."

You nodded, too distracted by how peaceful you felt to reply. It felt so warm and safe with his arms wrapped around you, like you could just fall asleep on the spot.

After a minute or so of just standing in his arms, you felt a vibration in the Doctor's chest. You soon realized he was humming a song.

"What are you humming, Doctor?"

"Hm? Oh, just an old Gallifreyan lullaby," he said quietly.

"Are you trying to put me to sleep? Because--" you yawned, "it's working."

The Doctor chuckled. "Maybe we should go now, then. You need your rest, little human." He bopped you on the nose, making you giggle quietly.

Yawning again, you replied, "Okay. Let's go, Doctor." You grabbed his hand and held it right as you turned to go, looking behind you one last time at the view.

"Happy Valentine's Day," the Doctor said.

"Happy Valentine's Day," you replied, and the two of you happily walked toward the elevator.

Sorry it's a week late, but I hope you liked it! I'll get the other 3 Doctors done soon. Thanks for reading!

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