Book Battles and Telepathy~ Whoufflé

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Hey guys! Now, I know I've done a lot of oneshots for TenRose in this book, so I figured that I would do a Whoufflé one for once! Yay!

(Note: to those of you who requested things a really really long time ago, sorry, I'll try to get those done soon!)



So, enjoy this oneshot about a book war between the Impossible English teacher and the world's oldest five year old!

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"Clara Oswald! Come here!" The Doctor's urgent shout echoed in the TARDIS.

Clara ran into the library, out of breath from running down multiple hallways. "What's wrong?"

The Doctor closed a book he was holding with a loud 'fwoop'.

"I have just finished reading what just might be one of the saddest but best books in the universe," he said with a serious face.

Clara relaxed but rolled her eyes. "You called me in here for that? I thought you were hurt!" She crossed her arms.

"I am hurt!" He whined as he stood up from the small sofa he had been sitting on.

Clara sighed and walked over to him, putting her hand out to obtain the book from him. "What's it called?"

"The Fault In Our Stars. John Green might just be my new favorite author, after J. K. Rowling and Agatha Christie of course."

Clara recognized the book. "Oh, I've read this! Doesn't the boy die?"

The Doctor let out of his mouth what sounded like a strangled animal's grunt, and fell backwards onto the sofa, slumping and pouting. "Yes. I almost cried!"

Clara laughed loudly. "You? You cried over a book?"

"I said, almost!" The Doctor crossed his arms like a child, but thought of something else and uncrossed them. "But, it was one of the best books I have ever read. Mr. Green's writing is intriguing."

"You wanna know my favorite book?" Clara asked as she sat down next to the Doctor, handing him the book back.

"Sure," the Doctor replied.

"Wait," Clara stood up and started walking toward one of the library's immense bookshelves. "Let me find it."

She reached a shelf, then shouted to the TARDIS, "Shelf with authors with the last name 'TOL' please!"

Within a few seconds, the TARDIS obeyed, switching around the shelves until in front of Clara were shelves "TOA-TOZ".

Running her pointer finger in the air along the names of each book'a author, Clara finally reached her book. "Aha!" She pulled it off the shelf and blew off the dust, causing a large cloud of it to form. "Here we go!"

"The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien," Clara said proudly as she returned to where the Doctor sat. "It's got dwarves, elves, wizards, giant spiders, were-bears, and a dragon. Oh, and of course a hobbit."

"Well, that's all well and good, I suppose," the Doctor said half-heartedly, "but this is a love story, you know-- a tragedy. Old Bill Shakespeare himself was one of the founding fathers of tragedy. And this is John Green, Clara! He writes like he is Michelangelo and his book is the Sistene Chapel!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"Like I've said, I've read it. It's good, but I think this is great too." Clara held up the book next to her face and grinned.

The Doctor gasped dramatically. "Are you saying that your book is better than mine?"

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