TenRose- Saving

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{First of all, I would like to apologize for my last oneshot. I know it upset a lot of you, but hey, it upset me too when I saw it in the Tumblr post! (And when I was writing it). Anyway, sorry. No hard feelings? Thanks. }

Request by @wander_over_xoxo!

Prompt: Ten and Rose are stranded on a ship, and Rose is near death. Will the Doctor be able to save her? (I summed it up so I don't give away the whole plot!)


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"Brr. Doctor, I'm cold," Rose hugged her arms and shivered as she walked to the Doctor's side. He was typing on an some alien keyboard on the control panel of some alien ship. Jardragoonian, or something like that, Rose thought the Doctor said. All she cared about was getting warm. "Can you turn up the heating or something?"

The Doctor didn't reply for a moment, because he was too deep in thought as he typed things into the ship's computer to find out what had happened to it's passengers. When he and Rose had landed--by mistake--on this ship, after having a look around, they soon found that everyone who had been on it had died. Of course, the curious Doctor had to find out what happened to them. How could he not?

The Doctor realized Rose had spoken, and replied. "What? Sorry, yes--cold. Umm..." He turned away from the keyboard and looked around the room for a thermostat of some sort. "This looks right..." He found a meter with a short lever next to it, which had foreign temperature levels next to it. He put his hand on it and tried to push it up, to no avail. "It's stuck," he sighed. "Sorry."

"S'fine. Just as long as we get out of here and back to the warm TARDIS soon," Rose said as she rubbed her arms. "Why are we here again? I thought we were going to a beach. It's sounds a lot better their than here right now."

"Rose, we just found a ship full of people who have died for some unknown reason. You think I'm going to just leave them all alone, drifting in space?" The Doctor looked at her skeptically then returned to his typing and monitor reading.

"Well, we could come back after we get some sun..." Rose sighed. "No, you're right I guess. Need to help the people, and respect the dead."

"There's my domestic Earth girl," the Doctor said as he continued to read through the ship's files.

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult, you know," Rose said as she leaned against the control panel next to him.

"Um...compliment!" The Doctor replied distractedly.

"Surrre," she said, laughing.

"Really! You're the heart, I'm the brains. One less thing I have to do."

"You have two hearts!" Rose exclaimed.

"Both of which add up to only half of it a human heart." He glanced at her as he spoke.

Rose laughed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Doctor." She stood up straight and walked around the room they were in: the pilot's control room of the ship. The ship was still running itself, although according to the Doctor's estimate, no one had tended to it for a few months. "That was when they all suddenly died," he had observed.

"So, what were they like, the Jardragoonians?" Rose asked as she continued to observe her surroundings.

"Oh, a great race of people, Rose. They believed in devoting their lives to science; well, it was their religion! Never started any wars-- not on purpose-- and always tried to maintain the peaceful balance that corresponded to their environment's," the Doctor paused. "Also, they were the first in their star system to invent aerodynamics and...chips."

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