Part 1- The Employee- TenRose

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Hey guys!
So, yeah I know, I have a lot of requests and promised New Year's oneshots to do. I'm doing them, they're in the process and will hopefully be done by the end of the week. So to hold you over until then, my awesome friend, @kitkatkutie2 offered to let me use some of her one shots in this book!!! Yaay!!! It's a TenRose shot.

REMEMBER: it is written by @kitkatkutie2, so all credit goes to her! Go thank her, follow her, and read her amazing writing! (Seriously. I'm in love with the way she writes.) I DID NOT WRITE THIS

ANYYYWAYYS, please enjoy the first part of this one shot until I finish mine. If it gets a lot of votes and reviews, I'll posy the next one shortly!!



Part 1: Employee// Rose's POV

As I stared nervously into the eyes of a very attractive man who was (hopefully) soon to be my new boss, I twiddled my thumbs.

"So how much experience do you have as a barista?" The man, David John Doctor, was his name, asked me, soulful brown eyes locking with hazel. He chewed on the end of his pen thoughtfully, which I also found very attractive. He clicked it, poising it over his clipboard.

"Uh, none, sir. I just got out of high school you see, and I'm trying to pay off my college tuition. I err, don't have any experience with anything. This is my first job." I explained. He jotted down some notes, again chewing on his pen thoughtfully. I wonder if it was habit or he realized that he was doing it.

"What compelled you to take this job?" David asked. I thought for a minute.

"I need a job that pays good, but isn't full time so I can still go to college." I replied.

"Ah. Very well then. I shouldn't have to ask you any further questions. You're hired. Come with me." David handed me an apron quickly, and I tied it around myself.

"So. We're closed at the moment so that leaves me a bit of time to teach you." David showed me how all the machines worked and their various different buttons.

I had finally learned everything, so David tested me out.

"Latte please, light on the foam." My hands trembled as I began to make it, nervous as to what he would say.

I made it quickly, and then handed it over the counter so he could take a sip. A look that said, "Okay, not bad," crossed his face but it soon changed to an expression of pleasure.

"This is delicious, Rose." He smiled, and his smile was a bit crooked. I liked that, because mine was too.

I smiled back. This was the beginning of my new job.

David instructed me to come back tomorrow at 7 am so that I could start my first shift. I headed home for the day, satisfied that I had picked up a new job so quickly. As I thought of his face, I smiled again. He was my boss now though, I couldn't think of him like that. Frowning, I shook the thought off as I walked back to my flat.

Unlocking the door and lying on the couch, I decided to watch some Gracepoint before I nodded off. It was an American show, and although I was British, I had missed the premiere of Broadchurch about a year back. I slowly began to fall asleep to the lull of the American accents. I wondered if I could ever pull off American.


I woke up around 12:30 in the morning. My program had ended, and I flicked the TV off and decided I was hungry. Pouring myself a bowl of cereal, I ate it in silence, imagining my first day of work. After I had finished my cereal, I trudged off to bed, still drowsy.


I woke up again around 5:30 to take a shower and get ready for my first day at my new job. After showering, I blowdried my hair and put it up in a loose messy bun, so it wouldn't last long. It would at least keep out of my eyes and off the back of my neck as I worked. I took my time getting ready, in fact... Too much time.

Applying makeup at the last second, I dashed out the door. No time to squeeze in exercise and walk there, so I jumped in my car and headed off. Arriving just on time, I quickly slipped on my apron and waved hello to David.

He looked up at me for a moment, those gorgeous brown eyes killing me. I shook the thought off. He quickly waved back and strode closer to me.

"Good morning, Rose. How's your day been?" David asked.

I began to ramble about waking up early, not getting enough sleep, and the fact that it was only morning until he interrupted me.

"Your first job today will be going around and cleaning tables. So good luck." He said brusquely, and walked off after handing me a rag.

It was going to be a loooong day, and now David was probably annoyed by my constant rambling. I'd really blown it now.

Wiping the countertops as customers began to straggle in slowly in search of coffee, I hummed a tune from a Disney movie. "I wanna be, where the people are..." I sang softly.

Customers came through quickly and morning turned to noon and noon turned to afternoon. I hadn't even realized my shift had ended a few hours ago until David popped his head out of his office.

"Rose, you should've been home hours ago. What are you doing here so late?" With a quick glance at my phone, I confirmed my suspicion. It was 6:00. The shop would close soon. My cheeks flushed a dark pink.

"I didn't realize the time, sir." I said with a sheepish laugh, running a hand through my now messed up hair.

"Well, since you're here, why don't we sit and chat for a bit." David offered.

---End Part 1---

Comment, vote, and follow @kitkatkutie2 and I'll post the next part!!

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