Doctor who?

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A prompt for a fanfic that I shall write soon that I thought of! This oneshot will probably set up the plot for my story, which I can hopefully start soon!
I am also creating another companion, and I would love it for you to imagine her as an actual character on the show, not as someone I made up to be like me! Imagine this is an actual episode, or an actual series. Thank you!
Enjoy :)

"Oh come on, Doctor, you must have let your name slip once in your life!"

"No, Julia. I may be mad, but not that mad."

"Not once? Not when you were young, and first got your Time Lord name? Surely you must have forgotten sometime."

", no! Never!"

Julia Lucet, a sweet, but sarcastic, sassy, and smart girl, who happened to be a close friend-she believed that they could call each other friends- and companion of the Doctor, was trying to single-handedly uncover the Doctor's greatest secret. Just by using her magic abilities to get under a person's skin. She really was a wonderful girl, and extremely kind, she just sort of...talked a lot. And when she talked a lot, she spoke whatever came to her mind. "Honesty is the best policy," she would say if and when she offended someone with her truthfulness. Being a 17-year-old girl with crazy blonde curly hair and a uncommon sense of style, she didn't care what anyone thought of her. Not many people, anyway.

"I don't believe it for a second. No one's ever even gotten you drunk before? Even the mighty Time Lord has to have a little fun sometimes!" Julia knew this would start an argument of some sort, and she was up for debating today.

"Hey! What do you know, you're only seventeen! You can't drink yet!" The Doctor said authoritatively.

"Yes, Dad." Julia said, rolling her eyes. "But no, I would never drink. Well, maybe a fruity drink, but that's it. What I'm saying is, in all your years, can't there have been one time where you got drunk-wait, no, hold on. That's not the point here. Okay, what I'm saying is that you must have just accidentally said your name once when someone asked 'Doctor who?'"

"Erm, let me think about it for a moment... Hmm, nope!" The Doctor mock-exclaimed. "Nothing like that. Nuh-uh."

Julia rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Then she walked over to him, leaned up to his ear, and whispered, "But I'm going to-"

She then went to his other ear and shouted, "-KEEP ASKING!"

"OI!" The Doctor shouted back, covering his hurt ear. "No need to shout!" He whined.

Julia snickered. Then she thought something clever. "'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet', you know."

The Doctor, who had been looking down at the console and fiddling with a switch smiled softly, then frowned a bit and looked up. "Um...rose?" He said uncertainly with a sad look on his face.

"Oh lord, I'm so sorry, Doctor!" Julia rushed to apologize. She knew how much Rose Tyler had meant to him. "I didn't mean- I just meant that-"

"Don't worry about it, Julia." He forced a small smile. "I'm alright. I understand."

Julia nodded politely, suddenly bashful instead of sarcastic from accidentally blurting something out, as always. Sometimes she was ashamed of her boldness, but she knew that it got her out of jams, and that people often liked it. She knew she liked it.

"Anyway..." Julia said loudly, heaving a breath. "Where are we off to?"

The Doctor grinned. He always got excited when she or any of his companions asked what they were doing that day. Probably because he got to see the look of excitement and wonder on their faces. And Julia-whose young mind marveled at the thought and sight of far away, mysterious new places and times- had the best reactions so far.

"I was thinking of trying something new...Jupiter?" The Doctor asked cautiously and curiously, observing her face carefully to read what she was thinking.

"Ooh, sounds fun," Julia said with a smile. " can't land on Jupiter, can you?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "It has no surface! Isn't it just a big ball of gas?"

The Doctor smiled smugly, knowing that what he would say next would make Julia's eyes light up in excitement. "Yes, that's all true. But-remember that the TARDIS has a sort of bubble of air around it? And it protects us from the outside gases of space-"

"Oh! So we can just fly right into Jupiter and see everything around us, without dying from the storms of chemicals! Right?" Julia's eyes were indeed alight with pure, human excitement now!

"Right!" The Doctor exclaimed. He spun around, his brown tweed jacket flowing with his movements. He typed in some coordinates, pressed a button here, flipped a switch there, and pulled down that big lever. "Geronimo." He said to her mysteriously. Julia grabbed onto a railing as he held onto the console unit, and they braced themselves for the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter.

Hope you enjoyed that little prompt! It will be part of a series I'm writing, called The Last Gallifreyan. This will be the first chapter of Part Two, called Julia Lucet. Go read it! You can start with whatever part you want. It doesn't really matter, as long as you know which time you're in.

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