11th Doctor X Reader-- Valentine's Day

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This one might be a bit shorter, just because I want to get this done before it's more than a week after V-Day. Thanks for reading!

11th Doctor X Reader-- Valentine's Day

"So, (y/n), where... would you like to go for Valentine's Day?" The Doctor asked you enthusiastically as he walked around the TARDIS console, occasionally flipping a switch or pressing a button. On the opposite side, you walked parallel to him, pondering where you would like to go.

"Where do you suggest? I can't think if anything."

"Hmm..." The Doctor stopped and thought for a moment, and ou continued walking around the console until you met him. "Ooh!" He jumped. "How about... A picnic right outside the Adromeda Galaxy? I haven't been there in ages, and it's beautiful!" He looked at you in anticipation.

"Sounds wonderful! I'll get some food," you say, and he grins and starts to flip some more switches, type in a few coordinates, and press one more button. Peacefully (for once), the TARDIS takes off, and you rush off to pack some special treats.

Eleven minutes or so later, you return to the console room with a picnic basket full of mystery treats. You see that the Doctor has set up a beautiful blanket on the floor of the doorway outside the TARDIS. He smiles at you and you return one even wider, and set down the basket onto the blanket.

"Ready to see something amazing?" He asks as he puts both hands on the doors, ready to push them open.

"Absolutely," you say.

He grins and pushes open the doors, revealing the indeed amazing view of "The entire Andromeda galaxy, up close and personal," the Doctor said just above a whisper as he put his hands gently on my shoulders.

I just stood and stared at it in awe for a few moments, until I decided to sit and stare in awe. The Doctor chuckled and sat beside me, swinging his legs outside the doors. "There's a bubble of air and gravity a few feet around the TARDIS," he explained. "It'll keep ourselves from drifting away into space."

You nodded and smiled, still staring at the cluster of stars and space dust. You cautiously put your own legs outside, feeling suddenly dizzy, because you went and looked down into the nothingness below you. You gasped lightly, "Whoa!" And suddenly the Doctor's hands were on your waists, supporting you.

"For future reference, as I should have told you before, don't look down when we're adrift," he said quietly.

You looked straight ahead, then at him. "Yeah. Got it now," you giggled. You pulled his hands together in front of you so that his arms were now around you.

"You know, this is the closest galaxy to yours," he said calmly and slowly. "2.5 million light years away, the neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way. Earth scientists say that the two will collide in 4.5 billion years, but I think it'll be a little longer than that. They also say that there are about one trillion stars, but I disagree with that too. I think there's more." You felt the Doctor push your hair out of your face with his hand. "I think stars are uncountable and unmeasurable. Like my love for you."

Your eyes widened and you sat up to face him. "Did you just-"

"Urgh, I know it was bad and cheesy-" he looked to the side as if ashamed with himself.

"No-no, I mean-yes that was cheesy but...oh Doctor, I love you too," you babbled and gave him a hug.

As you withdrew from the hug, the Doctor said, "Oh, uh...okay! Ding-dong, yay!" He clapped his hands together and looked down. You both stayed silent for a few seconds, glanced at each other, then began to laugh.

"So, wanna see the treats I packed?" You ask, grabbing the picnic basket.

"Of course."

You reached in and pulled out the first thing you touched: a banana cupcake with pink icing and red sprinkles. One for you, one for the Doctor.

The Doctor gasped in gleeful surprise. "Where did you get this beauty?" He gently took it from your hand and examined it.

"You think I would have just forgotten Valentine's Day? You dumbo," you laughed and licked some icing off the top of the treat. "I baked them last night while you fixed that thingy."

"Oh, thank you so very much," the Doctor said as he held the cupcake up to his mouth, then took a bite. His eyes lit up as he turned to you. "Mmmm! Oh, thethe ah ahmathing!" The Doctor tried to compliment your baking with a mouthful and pink icing just above his lips.

You tried to point out his mess to him, but you were laughing too hard to get the words out! "Wha?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"You-ha!-have some-" you gestured to your own mouth, and he finally realized, looking down cross-eyed and pouting his lips out, making the most ridiculous face you had seen on him. Obviously, this made you laugh harder, and he grinned mischievously.

"Right then, wanna get it off for me?" He said cockily and quickly as he grabbed your shirt and tugged you toward himself, where he leaned in to kiss you on the lips. Your laughs were silenced as his warm lips fitted with yours, and you sighed happily. After you both pulled away, the Doctor himself started laughing.

"Looks like you have something..." He gestured to his one mouth this time, laughing. You once again erupted into fits of giggles and snorts, as did he. You licked your upper lip and he licked his, the two of you looking like pink frosted clowns.

The two of you finally finished laughing and ate the rest of your cupcake, smiling and adoring the swirling stars of Andromeda.

"There's plenty more in there if you want some," you suggested, talking about the cupcakes.

"Yes, please," the Doctor said eagerly, reaching into the basket to take out another for himself and another for you. "Cheers!" He said, holding his out for you to tap with your own.

"Cheers," you chuckled, "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day," he said calmly, and put his arm around you.

Yes, yes. I know. The "Happy Valentines Day," "Happy Valentines Day" thing is daaaang cheesy. But like I said, cute fluff. Hope you enjoyed this, and the final one with twelve will be updated soon. Thanks for reading!

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