New Year's- (TenRose)

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Hey guys!
So, New Year's is here! (I started writing this before New Years and I'm so sorry it took so long.)
Also, I'm working on the ones that some of you suggested already! They should be done soon. Thanks!!!
(By the way, this is going to be used in my book Don't Ever Leave Me, so if it's confusing, it is because I tried to make it fit that story line. Hey, if you like TenRose, go read that! :)


"Doctor!" Rose called as she skipped to the main control unit in the console room of the TARDIS. "Where 're we goin' today?"

The Doctor looked up from one of the screens he had been observing. He grinned at his ever-excited human. "Well, I was just looking at one of these screens here, and I was just wondering what the date would be in Cardiff, at your time..." He glanced back at the screen, and smiled wider, glancing back at her. "Guess what day it is there? Go on, try to guess!" The Doctor urged her on in a anxious-but-excited voice and big, wondering eyes.

"Uhh..." Rose tried to think of what day the Doctor would be so excited about. "Christmas?"

He shook his head. "Guess again."

"Saturday?" Rose guessed jokingly.

"No, but I do like Saturdays. Saturdays are good," The Doctor said quickly. "No, not it. Guess ones more time."

Rose thought for a moment. She mock-gasped when she thought of something. "Aha! INTERNATIONAL BANANA DAY!" Rose laughed as she exclaimed a holiday the Doctor would love.

"THEY HAVE THAT?!" The Doctor asked loudly.

"How should I know?!" Rose was still laughing.

He sighed. "No, that's not it. It's New Year's Eve, Rose!" The Doctor jumped up and down as he told her.

Rose's face lit up with excitement. "New Year's Eve? We need to go celebrate with my mum!" She realized she had started hopping with the Doctor, and laughed.

Meanwhile, at the mention of slap-happy Jackie, the Doctor stopped jumping, and made an 'oh, no, I'd rather not do that' close-to-disgusted face. "We do need to celebrate, Rose, but do we have to be with your mum?"

"What's wrong with my mum?" Rose asked accusingly.

The Doctor gave Rose a look that said 'you know what's wrong with your mum, now stop it'.

Rose sighed. "Okay, yeah, she's a little mental, but so are you!" She giggled.

"Rose, every time she sees me, she has to slap me. I'm starting to think it's for the fun of it."

Rose laughed. "Doctor, she's only slapped you the last few times because either it had been so long since I had seen her last, traveling with you and all, or because you smarted off to her! You are kind of a smart Alec, you know that?"

"Well, she deserved it. she was insulting my alien-ness. Humans..." He shook his head, trying to fake an annoyed face, but barely hiding a smile.

"Oi! Don't you 'humans' me, Time Lord!" She poked his chest.

"Anyway, what should we do? Should we go to Cardiff? Or would you want to go somewhere else, maybe London, or New York? Or would you like to see a past New Year's? Or future? I hear that at midnight on New Year's in the future on Earth, they throw cookies instead of confetti-oh, I'd love that-"

"Doctor!" Rose interrupted the Doctor's ramble. "We can go to all those any time. I wanna see my mum." She looked at him with big, pleading eyes, and she grabbed his hands and squealed them for good measure. "Pleeease?"

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