A little David Tennant X Whovian Reader

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My best friend wrote this for my birthday (which was April 1), because I love David Tennant so much. She is amazing, I know.

Go follow @Kelsbvb2 !!!

(Sorry if there are typos, or no reader inserts. No, not sorry. I'm not changing a thing, sorry. It made me too happy. Edit in yourself in your head.) Enjoy!!


* David POV*
I was walking one day, alone. I don't really know why I was walking alone but it was peaceful. It was a nice warm day out, the sky was a brilliant bright blue. As I was walking I heard a noise, a loud noise. There was nothing around me to see though. As I continued to walk the noise stopped. To be honest I was a bit freaked out. Being freaked out by the odd noise I decided to turn around and head back to my house.
When I turned around I saw something that completely surprised me. It was a big blue police box, it looked just like the one I used when I use to play the doctor. This had to be a joke right?
"Okay okay guys whoever got this prank together I give you points for that but-" my sentence got cut of when the door open.
It revealed a girl with very light brown and very curly hair, and big brown eyes.
"Hello." She says.
"Hi?" I replied back "who are you? Um and who set this elaborate prank up I would like to talk to them." I say after waiting a second.
"Well I'm the doctor and you" she pointed at me "you're coming with me" I looked around for a bit seeing if I could find any cameras, nothing. "Oh please do take your time we only have your plaint to save" she said in a sassy tone. I found myself following into the Tardis with her. I couldn't believe what was happening this is unreal!

Doctor Who OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora