9th Doctor x Reader- Sick

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Hey guys! So, I have an idea to do 4 one shots in a row with the last four New Who Doctors (9, 10, 11, 12). They will have something to do with the Doctor comforting the reader- either being sick, having nightmares, sadness/homesickness/shock, or injury.
Basically, it's the Doctor taking care of you. :) I'm excited, how about you?


"Doctor-" You coughed, walking into the console room of the TARDIS. I don't -" another loud cough, "feel good."

"What's wrong? Besides the big coughing fit you have there." The Doctor crossed his arms and leaned against the TARDIS console, looking concerned.

"Well," you croaked, "I've got a sore-ish throat, a stuffy nose, and-ooh!" You winced as you felt a pang in your temples. "-a bad headache."

"Sounds like you have a cold." The Doctor walked over to you. "Come on, back to your bedroom." He motioned for you to walk back from where you came.

You groaned then coughed. "But-" another cough, "-I want to go on an adventure! I'll be alright!" You coughed yet again.

"(Y/N), you can hardly speak! Sorry, you have to rest today." He put his hand on your back, gently pushing you up the stairs to your room.

"Fine." You groaned. At least it's in the TARDIS and not in your boring bed at home, you were thinking.

You opened the door to your room and walked in, stepping over piles of clothes, some bags you brought on the TARDIS, and some random souvenirs you kept from your many trips. The Doctor almost tripped over one of the piles, and spoke, "Not to be rude, but do you ever clean up in here? I mean, how do you get out the door?"

You snorted. "Shut up," you joked. "I'm sure your room isn't much better."

"Guess you're right. It's not. It's hard keep up with cleaning 900 years of knick-knacks and alien artifacts after a while." The Doctor admitted.

Laughing weakly, because of your sore throat, you got into your bed under the soft covers. The Doctor stood awkwardly for a moment, but then smiled at you and clapped his hands together.

"Alright, let's see. We need human cold medicine. Um, I'll go to the infirmary and see what the TARDIS whips up." He walked over to your bed and sat at the foot of it.

"What can I get you until then? Tea, some books, more blankets? What do you need?" He said cheerfully, a look of kindness in his eyes.

You sat up a bit. "You're going to care for me until I get better?" You asked surprised.

He nodded his head. "Of course! What else am I going to do? I'm not going to just go on adventure by myself while you're in here miserable! That wouldn't be fair!" He shrugged. "So... Might as well make myself useful and help you get better as soon as possible."

You smiled widely, grateful for his kindness and generosity. "Alright..." You looked around the room. "Can you get my phone off that dresser over there..." You pointed, and he stood up, walking over to the dresser and grabbing it. "And my earbuds there, too... And can you get my books over there on the floor? All nine of them please." The Doctor did as told, grabbing the earbuds with the same hand that the phone was in, handing them to you, then going over to the pile of books on the floor and scooping them up and plopping them gently at the end of your bed.

"How are you reading nine books at once?" The Doctor asked, handling one book titled Fangirl and picking up another titled The Hobbit.

"I can't chose one in particular, so I read them all." You say, grinning and picking up Mockingjay.

"Alright, whatever flies your TARDIS." The Doctor replied, smiling at his own joke. "I'm going to get some medicine for you now. Need anything else before I go?"

"Can you bring back some tea, please?" You ask in an extra-polite voice.

"Sure. Be back in a few minutes. Call me if you need anything, (Y/N)." The Doctor walked out your door.

You stuck your earbuds in your ears, and put on your favorite music on your phone. You opened the Tumblr app to see what's happening on Earth, then snuggled down under the blankets, thankful for the generosity and care of your wonderful friend the Doctor.

Kinda short for my oneshots, but I hope you enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing it, and can't wait to write the others! Thanks for reading, and remember to request anything via comments or messages!

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