Space Talk (College/Modern AU) PART 1

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So, I asked you guys to vote for a story idea I had to see which one would be the most popular so I could write it. Thanks for voting❤  It was hard to tell which one won, since there was a variety of answers, so it seemed to me that "4) A young/modern/college AU with idk any ship or characters lol" was one of the most voted on.

But don't worry, that doesn't mean I'm just going to throw away the other ideas I offered. I still plan on writing them (and hopefully updating them soon!)

Thank you all for your participation and for sticking with me :)

Without further ado, here's a Ten/Rose college AU. NOTE: if you're not a big TenRose fan, give reading this a try anyway because it will hopefully be kinda funny as well as cute and clever (that's my goal).

Also a little P.S.: tbh I kind of hate using "John Smith" instead of "the Doctor" in these kind of one shots because it sounds almost like I'm dulling down his character with such a boring name. But I guess there's not going to be a college student called "the Doctor," really, so it will have to do. Hope you all are okay with that. 😂

FINALLY, I've decided to make this a multiple-parter. It took me so long to finally write this after I updated that little survey, so I decided it would be better to break it up so I could give you an update faster rather than take a really long time writing something long. 


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Rose Tyler and John Smith met at a one-time  only open lecture that would have made a cringe-worthy memory if it wasn't for the lecture being the first time they met. 

The lecture was titled the "NEW EARTH" in a bold and sophisticated font on the flyer, with a description underneath that included the words "new civilization," "advancement of humanity" and "Trappist-1." Having heard all about the excitement of the seven earth-like planets recently found in the system of Trappist-1, Rose and John were intrigued. And so, they ended up as the only two students at the lecture, which didn't turn out to be as interesting or professional as it the flyer portrayed.

There were many factors that made the lecture so unpleasant. For one, it seemed that no other students came because the lecture took place at twelve noon— a time when most students were either out to lunch, stuck in a class desperately wishing they were out to lunch, or still asleep— in the hottest, most cramped and eerie room in the university's campus. The room was so eerie because the professor it belonged to— who happened to be most well-known by the students to be an snide old man who never bothered to care about his students' education or the well-being of anyone who entered his classroom; another factor of why no other students came to the lecture– he loved to hang up framed pictures of evidence from famous crime scenes—he was a law professor— just to make his students uncomfortable.

What else made the lecture bad was that the "New Earth" lecturer was a very young scientist who had obviously not spoken about his subject outside of the astronomy center before. The kid was a mess: he stuttered, repeated his points, and worst of all, his PowerPoint presentation kept disconnecting from the screen, and that mean old professor, who was supposed to be moderating and giving assistance to the young scientist, didn't lift a finger to help him with his computer troubles.

But finally, the lecture ended with a weak little "thank you" from the young speaker. That's when John decided to get up and clap wildly to cheer for him, looking to Rose to join him. Rose followed, clapping and "woo"-ing and whistling with him. The speaker, shocked by this response, grinned sheepishly and waved them off as he made his way out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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