Start from the beginning

The freckled boy miraculously found his way to the ice cream and served two bowls for himself and the older as they sat back on the couch to watch tv before school.

After a while they were both on their phones, scrolling through different things when Changbin got a text.

Felix💞: shit bro you're probably not awake but im in quite a pickle here .

Confused by the notification from the boy sitting across from him, the shorter opened the chat and began typing.

Grandpa🤡: No, I'm awake,
what's up?

Felix💞: I think I like Chan. And I'm at his house at 4:33am eating ice cream.

It took all of Changbins willpower not to put down his phone and scream right then and there, but he played dumb.

Grandpa🤡: Context would be appreciated.

Felix💞: nope that's all you're getting, but we vibe so well together?? and hes like really fucking cute???

Grandpa🤡: Get it I guess


Felix💞: but im still at this dudes house now realising i like him what do i do 🧍‍♂️🤨

Grandpa🤡: Just act normal idfk-

Felix💞: thanks you're a life saver bro 😐

Grandpa🤡: Hey, I'm not your love guru fuckface

Felix💞: okay ??? you could be less of a dick about it, i was just looking for advice

Grandpa🤡: I'm not being a dick I'm just saying I dont have experience so I obviously cant help

Felix💞: K.

Felix💞 is offline

Both boys put down their phones in frustration but didn't let it show, and turned their heads back towards the tv screen.

After a while of chilling both of the boys needed to get ready for school and Felix settled for wearing the same clothes as yesterday that he was already wearing.

They began to walk together and eventually met up with their friends, splitting into two gangs of 3.

Of course they were quick to tease the pair about arriving from the same direction

"Well hello lovebirds, what have you been up to this fine morning?" said Minho as he smirked at the shy pair, Hyunjin simply gawked at them.

"Well recently I've been having an internal debate on which method I should murder you, would you prefer drowning or knife wound to the stomach?" Felix replied, checking his nails.

"Hmm, probably stab wound" the older thought out loud.

"I'll book you an appointment" the Australian sneered.

The small gang burst into laughter as they continued walking ahead of the three rappers, absorbed in their own ignorance.


"So you're like in love with Felix now, correct?" Chan asked, keeping his voice down in case the 3 in front heard them.

"I- you- I don't know.." said Changbin, suddenly taking a great interest in his shoes scuffing the pavement.

"You don't know?" exclaimed Jisung, unaware of his volume until he was violently hushed.

"I'm not certain enough to say yes, but it hurts to say no" mumbled the shorter.

"Damn ok Mozart- no Shakespeare- no- um who's a famous poet?" stuttered Jisung.

"Edgar Allen Poe?" Chan giggled out.

"Okay Ed- what was it? Fuck it Ed Sheeran" the orange haired boy said, exasperated.

"Never compare me to that ginger neek ever again, Jisung you hear me?" Changbin said with a geniune edge to his voice, causing Chan to snigger at how fast the youngest nodded.

Soon enough, all 6 boys arrived at school and went their separate ways.

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