Chapter twenty-four~ Owen

Start from the beginning

"Well this is what we call awkward timing." Sam said putting down the tray of milk shakes he had.

"Sorry Sam! These people are absolute animals!" Mona said to him.

"Oh I for sure gathered that information." He said shaking his head.

"Well do with that information as you must but please don't tell my mother, Sam." Hollis suggested.

Sam shrugged, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

He walked away and Hollis said, "Jeez, we love that he knows about our sex lives now."

"What every sixty- seventy year old man wants to know." I commented.

Beck shook his head," I say it's all Hollis' fault."

I opened up my email off my phone, not even thinking I'd get reply but sure enough I did. 

That'd a great idea. I'll be at the California Cresmont yacht club later today at 3:00, I have plans to go out on my boat. Why don't you come down then.  See you then.

-Calvin Windess

"What's that? College emails?" Hollis asked looking over my shoulder.

I put my phone down, "No just clearing out my spam mail.

Hollis nodded and got back to her strawberry milkshake, holding onto my hand in the process. I felt bad being secretive about this but I didn't want anyone to know. At least not until I knew for myself that it was worth telling people. Especially the people I love and could potentially hurt.

"I hate to leave but I have to go." I said pretending to check out my watch.

I pulled out a ten dollar bill to pay for my food and put it into the end of the table.

"Owen Windess, why so secretive? Are you cheating?" Hollis asked me ad I got up.

"No way Holls. Just super busy, I love you." I said bending down to kiss her.

"I love you too." She sighed.

"You two are disgusting. Wouldn't have pegged you for the pda type, Lis."  Beckham said jokingly with a disgusted look on his face.

"Look whose talking, Mr. makeout everyday under the bleachers." She added quickly, "Sorry Mones."

I laughed, "See you later?"

Before Hollis could answer, Beck said, "You bet. Bye bestie."

Sometimes his humour was so cringy if you didn't know him, being his best friend I was used to it.

"I'll talk to you later Owen." Hollis replied.

I nodded and walked out, waving to Sam in the process.

Now I had an hour and a half to prepare myself to this abrupt reunion with my dad


I walked up to the dock area in my swim trunks that could pass as regular shorts and a button down.

I walked up to the big building next to water and walked in. It had massive windows a over, looking onto the water.

Immediately when I walked in, I noticed the bar area on the other side of room. Mostly men sitting around it.

I saw a man with the same dark hair, dressed in a white polo and red swim trunks, facing the bar tender.

I walked up to him and he turned around, aware of my movement behind him.

"I'm kind of surprised you showed up." He grinned.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Just a hunch, sorry. Oh God, Owen you look just like me." He said in awe.

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