Chapter 6- Taken

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Granville Ohio, 1998

    Venus bopped her head to the music as she drove down the street. 
"Putting on the Ritz" was playing on the radio. The static of it, made the words hard to make out, but That was only because Venus's car was older than her.
  Her car was a 1970 Toyota Corolla. In the beautiful shade of beige. It was so nice, in fact, that the A/C didn't work. Instead it just sputtered, and coughed. Making the engine flutter for a moment every time she turned it on.
She bought it from a sketchy 'Used car' shop. Although It wasn't ideal she couldn't really afford anything nicer than that, so it just had to do, and even though it was ugly, Venus was very proud of it. She had worked for that piece of junk car, so she was determined to make it last.        

    "Where fashion sits, putting on the ritz" Venus jammed with the music, as she pulled into the garage. Venus sat there for awhile nodding with the song until it ended.
   Once it was done she sighed turning off the ignition and getting out. As soon as she stepped inside her house, it was like a switch flipped in her brain. She wasn't happy anymore. The mood of her cold, dark house ruined it.
   Once she got into the kitchen she saw her whole family sitting at the table, eating.
     "Venus, your food is in the microwave, you just need to heat it up." Venus's mom said, with a faint smile.
Venus sighed walking over to the food, and setting a time on the microwave. While she was waiting her family started talking.
Venus's little brother started poking at his food. While A small evil idea was bubbling in his mind.
He looked up at Venus suddenly , "Where were you Venus?" He asked her, a small smirk crept onto his lips.
  "With Freddy and them." She sighed crossing her arms.
     Venus's brother was about 9 years old. The only reason Venus didn't like him, was because he told their parent everything. Venus couldn't hide anything if Jacob knew, because then he would tell the whole world.
At school one time, he told his whole class, "My sister snuck out of the house last night."
Causing the teacher to call Venus's parent, in concern.
Venus then got grounded for two weeks.
She hasn't snuck out since, just because of her brother.
Venus's dad frowned, "You should get other friends too you know?" He muttered, putting a piece of food in his mouth.
     "Thanks dad" She said sarcastically, turning back towards the microwave.
  He was very irritating to her. He never cared about her until it came to talking about her friends. For some reason he despised the group of friends. Venus could never pinpoint why, but it was annoying.
Beep beep
The microwave went off, making Venus snap out of her thoughts.

The whole family sat at the table, quietly eating dinner.
  Jacob smirked, "Venus when where you gonna tell mom and dad that you skipped work this morning?" He asked in the middle of dinner.
  Venus's mouth flew wide open as she dropped her fork on the table.
"You what?" Venus's dad asked sternly, as she glared at Jacob from the other side of the table.
"I just took a day off" Venus said through clenched teeth. Her eyes were glued to Jacob, as she glared at him
    She wasn't lying, Venus had quiet literally just taken the day off. I wouldn't blame her, I mean she just found out she can move things telepathically.
"You can't just take days off" Her dad snapped at her. The anger inside of him boiling. "You have responsibilities." He said.
Venus frowned, turning her head towards him. "You can't talk to me about responsibility when you don't even have a job. Mom is the only one that works around here, besides me." She snapped, "I shouldn't have to help my parents pay the bills. That's  not what a normal teenager does!" Venus yelled.
In the corner of her eye she saw the knife on the table slowly float up. Luckily Before anyone notice, Venus slammed her hand on the knife bringing it down to the table again.
  "Venus!" Her mom scolded.
Venus stood up quickly, almost sending the chair onto the ground, before she walked out of the dining room and down the hallway.
She headed straight to her room and slammed the door.  Immediately heading to her bed and sitting down.
  Venus felt angry and confused, not necessarily about what just happened, but about everything over the past days. She felt uncomfortable, yet whole. She just wanted answers, and not from some stupid book. She wanted to know what was going on. She needed to know what was going on. The change inside of her was making her loose her mind, because she didn't know what it was, or how to control it.
   Deep down she knew what she had to do. Their was one place that had the answer to everything.
Where it all started,
And Perhaps where it would all end.

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