Reconnecting (Part 1)

Start from the beginning


Amity Blight

To: Luz Noceda

Re: Thingy


I'm good, thanks for asking. We've been having some trouble rebuilding the Isles, but I'm holding up so far. It was cool of you to reach out, it definitely stinks not being able to interact in person. How is it going for you?


Luz felt elated. Amity was talking to her again! She hadn't forgotten about her after those six months, and she even said she thought it was cool that she had emailed! Luz began to type out a response.


Luz Noceda

To: Amity Blight

Re: Thingy

It's going pretty well. The human world is actually kind of in the middle of a global pandemic, but I've been staying at home social distancing so I'm fine. My mom still has to go to work, but since she's a healthcare worker she already got the vaccine. So yeah. It's kind of weird being in my house all the time, but I'm still going to school and everything using zoom, this video call app that's suddenly gotten super popular.


So Luz waited. And waited. She spent the night constantly checking her phone for notifications. She had trouble falling asleep, so she (probably unwisely) went back to their chain of emails to reread Amity's words next to her own. Maybe Amity really  doesn't want to talk to me anymore? What if she just responded out of politeness? 

But Luz was fairly certain that wasn't true; she was pretty sure Amity considered her a friend, and in the time they had spent together in the Boiling Isles she had seemed to enjoy talking with her. 

Maybe I should have talked about myself less. I sent a whole paragraph just talking about me! No, she wouldn't think I'm self centered or anything after I reached out in the first place, right? What if the stuff I told her was too boring, so she doesn't want to talk to me more? Maybe I should have given her an obvious question to ask me, just to keep the conversation going. Oh no! I should have asked her a question! I told her all about me, but she didn't tell me much about what's been going on for her since I left.

Luz read through the email for about the millionth time.

She really just told me they were having a bit of trouble with the reconstruction. Maybe I should have asked if she was all right? But she did say she was holding up...

Luz looked back at her favorite part of the email, 'It was cool of you to reach out.' Even that made her mind race now.

What if she thought I was sending this email to everyone I know in the Boiling Isles? I mean, of course I want to talk to them, but I specifically want to talk to her the most! What if she thought it was just a duplicate email, not something I wrote to her in particular? I can't really ask her about it, because that would be a weird message. What exactly would I say, 'hey, so the phrasing of your last email made me think maybe you thought I was sending that same email to everyone. To clarify, I only sent it to you because I have a huge crush on you and really want to talk to you a lot more.' That wouldn't work, it sounds stupid! And I can't exactly admit my crush on her, that would probably be the fastest way to make her stop talking to me all together!

Luz buried her face in her pillow to muffle a desolate sigh. She decided to remain in that position for a while.

Maybe I should be a bit more direct. Not about my crush, of course, but about talking to her. I really wish I had her phone number, then our conversations would be a lot more fluid. I can't just make some random comment or send a funny picture over email, no one does that, but I could over text. Maybe I should just send another email to ask for her phone number? Would that be weird? I mean, we only talked over email a little bit, so it might be kind of awkward to immediately jump to talking more. Plus, asking people for their phone number kind of associated with wanting to date them, right? What if she takes it in a romantic way and says no? Not that I wouldn't necessarily want to ask in a romantic way, I just highly doubt she sees me like that. I mean, I guess it's possible... but she can't. There's no way. She never acted weird or nervous around me, as far as I could tell. And besides, why would she like me anyway?

Luz finally decided to get some sleep, ending her thoughts on a somewhat troubled note, though she still held out some hope that Amity had been doing something else and just hadn't seen her email. Maybe the witch would even send a response tomorrow morning. Only time would tell.

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