Chapter 10: Da-Vincis Birthday Part: 2

Start from the beginning

"What you mean?"
"Yeah what you mean?"

"Think about it, if we could pursade him to work for us, we'll get billionaires, who wouldn't wanna have a veteran on TV." Destiny explained to which both the girls eyes widen.


"I'm still going with he's hot." Deja Vu giggled as both Destiny and Dallas rolled there eyes in annoyance.

"Alright everyone Dinner!!!" Doug announced, and on cue a heard of puppies came crashing through him along with Roxy, Snowball, Dolly, Da-Vinci, and Charlie who came out and dried themselves off (Charlie put a tank top over him). As everyone sat at the table Dylan was preparing everyone's food Charlie ordered himself a pizza which just arrived a little bit ago. One by one they finished there food but didn't leave the table like usual because it was time to hand out the gifts, which were mostly just paint cans and some new easel for painting on but Da-Vinci didn't care she is being loved by all her family and friends.

"I got you something Da-Vinci." Charlie as he hold a medium sizes back, "Remember when I went into that art store?" Which Da-Vinci nodded.

"I remember."

"Happy birthday Da-Vinci I hope you like it." He hands her the bag and she took the item out it was the beret from earlier and it was beautiful but what made it gorgeous was the pin on it. She was shocked and in tears it was the most beautiful gift ever, it clearly beat everyone elses she. As soon as she put it on Dylan ran and grabbed a mirror and shown Da-Vinci what she look liked, she was adorable but she had tears of joy.

"Oh thank you Charlie it's the greatest gift ever." She went up to him and licked his face which he laughed at.

"Your welcome Da-Vinci I'm glad you like it." Everyone was smiling to see Da-Vinci be happy for once she never thought her family would do somethingthis big for her, and yet here there were, "It's time for cake everyone!!" Which everyone cheered the main event the Cake. Dylan, Dolly, and Dawkins ran into the kitchen, and carefully brang out the cake, it was huge it had 10 layers all kibble. The pups were drooling at the beautiful sight. Da-Vinci was in shocked this was a very large cake for her but she loved it nonetheless, a candle was in top which was kinda hard to reach so Charlie picked up Da-Vinci and assisted her.

"You Ready?" He asked her which she nodded in response so both of them blew the candle out, which everyone cheered.

"Everyone I wanted to thank all of you for the greatest birthday I ever had. I wanted to thank Dylan, Dolly, and Dawkins for making this beautiful cake, I want to thank Mom and Dad for putting this party up, but I wanted to thank Charlie the most. "She looked up at him, "You shown me so much love and care that I dont know what I could do without you so I want to say thank you." Everyone awwwed it was really sweet for Da-Vinci to say that it really means alot to them to hear the shy sibling thank them, so they all got into a hug together but mostly Charlie and Da-Vinci were hugging.

"I think it's time to cut the cake." Da-Vinci said which everyone agreed. As everyone was eating the cake Da-Vinci was thinking of today, on how much fun she had today, but most importantly how Charlie treated her. She had him on her mind the while time the way he laughed, the way he felt about her, she enjoyed his company, but most of all the way he treated her family with honor.

Da-Vinci was too in thought when she felt herself get poked in the back, she look up to see Dolly sitting there worried like.

"Hey DV you okay you seem lost again." She asked which Da-Vinci huffed and turned away.

"I'm perfectly fine." This confused Dolly alot.

"DV look I'm sorry I wasn't a good sister." She looked at her with sad eyes, "its just we are so different from one another it's hard to keep up with each other." Da-Vinci looked at her in shock.

"What... No No no." She put her paws up which Dolly looked on, "You are a great sis, I know we have different styles but that doesn't changed who we are, in fact that's makes us more special." She smiled as they both hugged one another.

"Love you sis."

"Love you too."

It was about 10:43 pm and everyone was completely tired to the point where literally they all fell asleep where they were Dolly and Da-Vinci saw this and giggled.

Guess I'll head downstairs goodnight Dolly." Da-Vinci said as she walked her way to the basement.

"Goodnight DV."

Da-Vinci was in her room thinking alot about Charlie, this human, this lovable caring human just gave her something that no one has ever given her... love and lots of it.  As Da-Vinci laid down she had a small smile on her face.

"I'm never felt so luck to have Charlie... I have the greatest family." She said as she fell into deep sleep.

Upstairs Charlie was yawning when he ran into Dylan and Dolly.

"Hey you two, mission accomplished." He smiled at them.

"Oh you bet Charlie, did you see her face it was priceless." Dolly laughed. 

"Yeah, I think she had a great time." Dylan smiled as he yawned.

"I think we all did, but now it's time for bed, goodnight you two." Charlie kneeled down and hugged them both after the hug he walked to his room.

"Well what you think Dolly."

"I think if we are gonna have anymore birthdays I know just who to talk to." She smiled which Dylan laughed.

"Yeah I agree." He yawned, "Well Night Dolly."

"Night Dyl." She yawned as they went to there respective beds.

As the moonlight hazed over the town, a drone flew by as if it was scanning the area, through the lens a shadowy figure watches through the many monitors.

"I must find him..." the shadowy figure stated, "I Need to find him." He stated as the figure leaned in inspecting the many screens he had.

Short Chapter I know but I hope you like it, also I'm gonna take a break from writing I'll see you all when I publish again. BYE.

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