Cross turned his head to Dream and nodded. He gently place Dream down to the ground. Nightmare still have his urge to attack Cross, but keep himself from doing that. He wanted to strangle Cross to death secretly.

"Thanks Cross..." Dream thanked him and smile. He yawned softly. Somehow he still feel a little tired even though he just woke up.

His mind was pretty foggy because of his tiredness. Then he subconsciously kissed Cross's cheek. This action turned Cross into a full grape. Does a Cross version of grape is delicious? We will never know. Maybe not for Dream.

Nightmare has his last straw. He couldn't take it anymore. You could say, Nootmare is a protective type of person when it comes to his brother being taken away from him. Even though he is the one that left him alone in that mess of bloodshed in his now so-called AU. That AU is pretty much dead because of how many villagers have been murdered with no surviors left in that AU except for Dream and Nightmare. But they escaped that place long time ago, making the AU being quiet and empty.

Nightmare escaped that place by his goop when he knew that he could teleport out. But he didnt think that he will be teleport himself out from his AU. Heck, he knew about those AUs because of their first battle with the Star sanses. Ink was the one who told them all that it was called AUs. Was it a smart movement of his? Kinda, even if he didnt tell them it was called AUs. They would still kill the people inside them despite not knowing what the place were called.

Dream, on the other side, didnt escape his AU by himself. Instead, Ink found him being a statue made of stone in the middle of the bloodshed and bodies. He was pretty much placed under the tree that was called 'The Tree Of Magic' ((I did a research of this)). Ink knew that it was the sans of that AU because of his apperance. Though, he thought that it was just a simple statue to respect the sans from there. But he was getting suspicious because of how the statue expression made. It looked like it fear something. And im sure people who makes statues to respect people doesnt use those kind of expression for their statue.

So Ink brought Dream to his home. Don't ask how, he just did. After a few months, Ink finally reverse the spell and get Dream out of there by the help of the creators aswell. And i have to say that this was the past. Everyone changed, even the creators. But they changed into something that Ink never wanted. Ink and already meet Blue before. But when he freed Dream, he came up with an idea to make a group with both of their friends. He originally going to fight Error with his group, but instead there was another group being created. And it wasnt a good group at all.


Nightmare sent a tentacle towards Cross. It was soon wrapped around the Oreo boi, making him startled. Cross started to squirmed from the grasp of Nootmare tentacle, hoping that he would slide down from the tentacle. But the tentacle grasp was too tight for Cross to slide down from it. It was like crushing Cross to pieces. Which Cross didnt want him to end up like that.

Dream, who was in the middle of where it was happening. Dream looked at Nightmare who is smirking sadistically, then to Cross who was still squirming with a fear expression.

Dream blinked once, then twice. When he looked at both, Cross and Nightmare, once again. He immediately widened his eye sockets, being aware of what was happening in front of him right now. He tried his hard to think of what to do, but he didnt know. The only idea he has was to convince Nightmare to not strangle him to death.

"Uh, oh– Nightmare wait! Don't do that, you'll going to injured him!" Dream exclaimed and ran to his brother. Trying to convince him to stop by hugging him.

Nightmare didnt really care that he was getting hugged that time. He just wanted to see the dust of Cross being the only thing left from the Oreo. Noot noot grinned at the thought.

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