Chapter 19

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Eren witness his squad die in front him. Eren was horrified at the sight of his squad mates dead on the ground. Eren felt something snap and a felt as if a power spiked within him. Eren's sadness turned to anger and his remorse turned to hatred.

"I... I will...kill you! I'll...make!" Eren shouted.

Eren then bit his hand and lightning struck where Eren was. The lightning bolt was powerful enough to cause a shockwave to knock trees down. Eren transformed into a Titan and let out roar which alerted everyone.

"Eren." Mikasa said as she turned to follow where the sound came from.

"That is Eren alright. Shit, this is bad." Levi thought.

Eren then landed on the ground and as soon as he did, he punched the Female Titan right in the face. The punch caused a shockwave and sent the Female Titan soaring through the air. The Female Titan hit the ground and stood up. She feared Eren. Eren got in his fighting stance while the Female Titan was exhausted and could barely use her arms. Eren rushed at the Female Titan and she tried to kick him but Eren caught it and punched her. The punch caused the Female Titan to stumble back against a tree.

As the fight continue, Levi was making his way to Eren. Levi saw the horrific scene of his squad members dead on the ground. Levi's glare turned into a very cold one. He continued to move forward.

Eren was beating the Female Titan mercilessly. The Female Titan tried to kick Eren once again, but he caught and pulled her toward him and returned the kick straight to the stomach. The Female Titan could barely even handle Eren, but something was wrong. Eren is not experienced with the Titan Form while the Female Titan had much more experience than Eren. As the fight continued, it started to become more transparent who had more experience. Eren was getting tired and his vicious way of fighting was diminishing, his strikes were become more and more bastardized. The Female Titan then saw an opening and went for it. She hardened her fist and punched Eren's head clean off. Eren's Titan body slumped over, and the Female Titan bit the nape clean off and 'ate' Eren. Mikasa arrived at the fight just see this happen.

"Eren...NO!" Mikasa shouted.

"Wait...Eren..." Mikasa said on the verge of tears.

The Female Titan proceeded to leave.

"Please don't.... Go" Mikasa whispered with crack in her voice.

Mikasa then furrowed her eyebrow and began chasing after the Female Titan.

"Give Eren back!" Mikasa shouted as she slashed the back of the Female Titan's knee.

Mikasa then started slashing her arms and face.

"Give him back!" Mikasa shouted once more. Mikasa then slashed the back of her other knee which made her fall to the ground.

The Female Titan covered her nape with her hand. Mikasa took the opportunity to cut her nape but the Female Titan hardened her hand. Mikasa's blades shattered and she attached herself to a tree.

"Why can't my blades penetrate it?" Mikasa yelled confused.

The Female Titan then looked at her.

"He's alive! I know that he is! I do not care how far she runs; I will kill her! I will carve her up and get you out, Eren. Just hang in there!" Mikasa said distressed.

The Female Titan then swung a fist at Mikasa, and she moved out the way. The Female Titan yet again began to run away.

"Wait!" Mikasa yelled.

Before Mikasa could move someone grabbed a hold of her.

"Fall back for now." Levi said.

Mikasa was angered about the situation. Levi and Mikasa began chasing after the Female Titan.

"Keep yourself a good distance away. She is clearly tired. It does not appear to be moving as fast as before. Eren was ripped straight out the nape, I doubt he is still alive." Levi stated.

"He's still alive. The Female Titan is intelligent, and its goal appears to be to capture Eren. If she wanted Eren dead, then she would have done it by now. The Female Titan is fighting to escape after going to the trouble of putting him in her mouth." Mikasa stated.

"Its goal may have been to eat Eren. If that were the case, he would be in her stomach. It'd be more reasonable to assume he's dead." Levi stated.

"He's alive." Mikasa said.

"I hope you're right." Levi said.

"If only you'd protected Eren like you were supposed to we wouldn't be having this conversation." Mikasa stated coldly.

"Oh, I see. Eren's childhood friend? Listen, we will limit ourselves to a single goal. First, give up on killing the Female Titan." Levi stated.

"It killed our comrades." Mikasa stated.

"As long as it can hardened its skin, we can't kill it. Do as I say. We will go with your assumption. Let us just hope Eren is still alive. I'll do the cutting and you draw its attention." Levi stated.

Mikasa went in front of the Female Titan  to distracted her, but the Female Titan had her sights on Levi who was behind her. The Female Titan looked behind her to see Levi's glare. She kept on running for a while and then turned to swat Levi away. Levi was too fast for the Female Titan and began to spin as he began to cut her arm, making his way to her face. Levi then gouged out her eyes with his blades and jumped and replaced them. Levi then began to cut away at the arms and legs of the Female Titan until she fell to the ground. Her arms and legs were rendered completely useless against Levi. Mikasa just watched in awe as Levi was carving up the Female Titan. Levi then cut her mouth open and there was Eren.

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted.

"Hey! We're getting out of here." Levi stated.

Mikasa looked at Eren worried.

"He's fine, but filthy. Let us retreat." Levi stated.

Levi and Mikasa made their way out the forest. Levi looked back at the Female Titan to see she was crying.

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