Chapter 6

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Eren and his squad were now soaring through the air defending Trost from the Titans. Eren was basically flying he left behind all his teammates and killed all the Titans he sees. Eren was spinning with his blades in his hands easily sweeping through the Titans. Eren's squad looked at him in amazement. Eren noticed he got too carried away and met back with his squad. His squad a look of amazement

"Is there a problem?" Eren asked his squad.

"N-No" Everyone said.

"All right, I lets keep moving." Eren told his squad.

Everyone took off and killing any Titans in sight, it all went well until an Abnormal came out of nowhere and jumped, quickly snatching up one of the squad members. Everyone was scared and shocked. Eren then went to kill the Abnormal and succeeded, he then heard the horrified screams of his squad being eaten. Eren acted quickly and managed to save Armin but could not get the rest of his squad. Eren and Armin looked terrified at the sight of their teammates getting torn apart. Armin was scared stiff, completely paralyzed from fear. Eren furiously shook him to bring him back to reality but nothing would do the trick.

"Armin, Armin, pull yourself together."

Armin finally resuscitated. He started to get flashbacks of what had happened moments prior and started to scream while digging his hands to his head.

"Armin, calm down." Eren told Armin.

Armin looked at Eren his eyes were wide open.

"Armin, take a deep breath." Eren instructed Armin.

Armin did as he was told and started to calm down.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way." Eren said as he held out his hand for Armin.

Armin took his hand and stood up.

"I'm okay now, thanks." Armin said.

Eren simply patted his shoulder. They then heard 3DMG and saw Ymir, Connie, and Christa coming toward them.

"Are you guys okay?" Connie asked.

"Yeah." Eren responded.

"Where is the rest of your squad?" Ymir followed up.

Eren looked down for a moment

"They all died, it is just Armin and I now."

"I'm sorry to hear that, we could team up for now." Christa said who was behind Connie and Ymir.

"That'd be great." Armin said.

As the five planned their next move, a Titan was creeping up behind them ready to snatch one of them. Armin quickly took noticed.

"EREN, BEHIND YOU!" Armin shouted.

Eren turned around and cut the head of the Titan clean off. The blood that spewed out the Titan covered Eren's face.

"Holy shit, Jaeger, nice going." Ymir said amazed.

Eren's eyes were glowing and steam started to come out as the blood disappeared from his face.

"I suggest we get moving." Eren told them and moved out.

*Time Skip*

There was a crowd around the gate leading out of Trost. A merchant had his cart blocking the exit. The people tried to reason with the merchant put nothing would get through to him. The crowd grew quiet as they heard stomping that was getting closer and closer. Everyone turned to see an Aberrant running at full speed ready kill everyone there. Luckily, Mikasa was in the area and quickly got to action. Mikasa caught up with the Aberrant and sliced a perfect 16 inches which killed it. The Aberrant fell over and Mikasa stood on its head as everyone looked at her.

In an Alternate Reality- An Attack on Titan Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now