Chapter 12

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*Time Skip*

Eren and the rest of the Special Operations Squad were making their way to the old Survey Corps Headquarters. One of the members, Oluo Bozada, was explaining to Eren how things work around Squad Levi. Eren kept looking forward whilst still listening to Oluo.

"Don't get cocky, new kid." Olou said getting in front of Eren's face.

"Excuse me?" Eren said annoyed at the comment.

"I don't care if you're a titan. I can't believe Captain Levi will spend all this time with a snot-nosed brat like you-..." Oluo got cut off.

Oluo's horse tripped on a rock causing Oluo to bite his tongue.

"Tch." Eren said.

*Time Skip*

"It's no wonder you bit your tongue, talking up a storm while riding a horse!" Petra said.

"First impressions are important. I had the new kid scared stiff." Oluo said.

"I think he was just surprised by how dumb you are." Petra said.

"Either way, my plan worked" Oluo said with a smirk on his face.

"You didn't always talk like that, y'know? If, you are trying to imitate Captain Levi, please stop. You're nothing like him, not one bit." Petra stated.

"Trying to bind my hands, Petra? You haven't followed the necessary steps to be my wife." Oluo said with a smirk on his face.

"I wish you'd bitten your tongue harder and died. Going on and on about how many titans you've killed." Petra said annoyed.

"Don't worry. I bragged about all of you while I was at." Oluo said.

While Petra and Oluo were arguing, Eren was with his horse. He did not really want to stir up a conversation with the squad, so he just continued to set up the saddle on his horse. Once he was done, he went and leaned against a wall.

*Time Skip*

"There's weeds everywhere. What a mess." Gunther said.

"It hasn't been used in years. The inside is probably all caked in dust." Eld stated.

"In which case, we have a problem...." Levi said from behind them.

Gunther and Eld turned around to see Captain Levi.

"Best grab a broom and get to work." Levi ordered.

Squad Levi soon started cleaning the inside and even the outside. It was going to be a long process, but it is better than inhaling dust.

"I've finished cleaning the upper floor." Eren said.

Levi looked back and took off his face mask.

"Where am I sleeping?" Eren asked.

"You'll be sleeping in the basement; just in case you lose control. It is better to have you confined and restrained in the basement. Those were the conditions that I was given of you coming here. It is a rule you will have to follow. I will go inspect your work. You take over here." Levi stated.

"Yes, sir." Eren said.

Eren got to cleaning the room Levi left him with and soon Petra came behind him.

"You look disappointed, Eren." Petra said.

"Nope." Eren simply said.

"I hope you don't mind me calling you Eren the way Captain Levi does. He sets the rules here.

"Well, that's my name, so I don't see the issue." Eren said as he continued to clean.

"Y'know, you two have a lot in common." Petra said.

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