Chapter 18

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As the squad rode away, they could not help but feel relieved that they were not being chased by the Female Titan any longer.

"Well, Eren? See that? We caught the Female Titan!" Gunther said.

"This is the power of the Survey Corps! Don't underestimate us, fool!" Oluo followed up.

"That is what I expected to happen." Eren said.

The squad rode away far from the trap. Levi was with Erwin. Levi got ready cut the nape of the Female Titan to reveal who was inside the Titan but was told to hold by Erwin. Erwin then ordered to fire off any spare rounds. Meanwhile, Christa was with Nanaba and was starting to get worried about the Titans as they started to climb the trees. Sasha was with Mikasa and was worried about the explosion Mikasa did not bother answering the question. Reiner was wondering about the explosion. Ymir was worried about Christa and Connie was just confused. Jean and Armin moved from their position as a Titan started to climb up a tree. Jean and Armin soon found a safe spot. Jean started to explain to Armin what he thought the explosions were.

*Time Skip*

Eren and the squad tied their horses and went to hide in the trees at a safe distance away from the Female Titan. The squad kept their guard up and waited.

Meanwhile, Levi tried to rip the person who was inside the Female Titan out, but the Female Titan hardened its skin and caused Levi's blades to shatter. Levi stood on top of the Female Titan's head.

"Hey, why not just come out? I do not have time to waste on you. So, do you believe you can escape? I wish you would consider all the trouble you have put us through. I recall that you killed many of our troops in a variety of ways. Did you have your fun? Right now, it is time for me to have my fun. I am sure you can understand me. Let me ask you something, is it okay if I cut your arms and legs off? They will grow back, right? I am talking about your limbs not the Titan's. We need you alive." Levi said in a cold tone.

This scared the Female Titan and started to scream which alerted the Titans in the area. The Female Titan was then surrounded by a horde of Titan and started to feast on the Female Titan.

"Retreat, men! Prepare for withdrawal back to Karanes!" Erwin ordered.

Blue smoke signals where then fired to signal everyone to retreat.

"Looks like it's over. Back to the horses! Prepare to retreat!" Gunther ordered.

"You heard the man. Let us see who's the bastard inside the Titan." Oluo said.

"Eren, thank you." Petra said.

"What for?" Eren asked.

"For trusting us. Making the right call is not easy. Especially while under this much pressure." Petra said.

Eren nodded and began to inspect his gear. Once the squad was done with preparation, they moved out and made their way back to the horses. As the squad were maneuvering their way, Eld brought up the fact that Oluo and Petra peed themselves on their first mission. Oluo and Petra freaked out and Eren let out a chuckle. The squad sped up but Eren felt something was off. The squad then saw a green smoke signal, and everyone assumed it was Levi.

"That's Captain Levi's signal. Let us rendezvous with the Captain!" Gunther ordered.

Gunther then shot a green smoke signal in order to aware 'Levi' that they saw the signal. 'Levi caught up with them and the squad assumed it was Levi but Eren could sense that the person was not Levi. He was right to assume because Gunther was sliced and killed almost instantly. The squad grew shocked.

"Protect Eren! Damn it, what do we do! Eld, where should we go!?" Oluo yelled.

"There is not time to reach the horses. Head for the headquarters, as fast as you can!" Eld ordered.

Everyone then looked back to see that the mysterious person was not following them they then saw a bolt of lightning strike down and the Female Titan appeared once again.

"Eren, Go!" Eld yelled.

Eren was shocked.

"Go, the three of us will kill the Female Titan! You go to the headquarters at full speed." Eld yelled.

Eren did as he was told and left.

Petra, Eld, and Oluo began to fight. They first gouged its eyes. The three began to cut away at the arms of the Female Titan and were finding success. Eren was watching as they were cutting away at the Female Titan. Everything took at turn of events when Eld went for neck but was caught in the Female Titan's mouth. Eld was bitten in half and the Female Titan spat Eld out. Petra and Oluo were horrified and so was Eren. Petra began to run away and began to scream as the Female Titan chased her. Petra was squashed against a tree and blood splattered everywhere. Oluo was the only one left and was sweating uncontrollably. Oluo went for the nape as he wanted to avenge his fallen comrades but was kicked away by the Female Titan. Eren was watching from a distance in horror. As Eren watched, he felt something inside him snap.

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