57. Hunting Zero-Day

Start from the beginning

Richard: "She mentored me through my first field assignment years ago."

Simon: "Oh come on, get to the point, mate."

He then gets up and prepares to leave only for Richard to stop him.

Richard: "Wait... Wait! There's always a margin of error. If you go after Emma and I'm wrong, you'll have her and Zero-Day to contend with. Confirm it's her before you do anything."

Simon: "Good thinking...we'll be careful."

Richard: "Be right. Or we'll both be dead."

He then walks away to a double-decker bus and gets on and Sabine is on the line.

Sabine: "I hate to agree with a career snoop but Malik's right--we need to tread carefully here. This is the head of SIRS f*cking counterterrorism we're moving against."

Simon: "Well listen, we're not moving against anyone. Emma Child's a lead, that's that."

Sabine: "Ok, I can live with that. So how do we find her?"

Simon: "I got this. Bagley, maybe you can find out who her favourite errand boys are, right? So do that, and maybe you can hack into their comms."

Bagley: "Done."

Sabine: "Oh, aren't you clever. But we can't just wait around for them to slip u[ and blab Emma Child's location. We have to make them slip up and call a meeting with her. So we do something big, something old-school DedSec, really scare the shit out of them..."

Bagley: "Emma Child is the head of SIRS counterterror, which coordinates operations with Albion out of the old MI6 building. So if we were to break in and leave a message that we know will get back to her..."

Simon: "I get it. It works for me."

He rushes to the Underground station and heads to the borough of Lambeth, there, the MI6 building is located at the end of the borough near Nine Elms. Simon arrives there and he exits the station and walks towards the MI6 building.

 Simon arrives there and he exits the station and walks towards the MI6 building

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Simon: "Holy shit

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Simon: "Holy shit."

Bagley: "That is the old MI6 building, one of the most prominent intelligence organizations in the world but now, thanks to SIRS taking over, the dark heart of every scheme and bloody coup in the whole of Europe. So no huge difference, really."

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