"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"Your mind is open to anyone now," he said. "Not just the Darach. Though I see she does have quite a hold on you at the moment."

I closed my gaping mouth. What was this guy talking about?

I pointed a shaking finger at him. "Y-You don't know me. You're dead."

There was a glint in his beautiful dark eyes. "Oh, but I do know you. How could you not remember me, Lin?"

Lin. I hadn't heard that name since 1945, when I was protecting a pack in China...

Before I could say anything, the man snapped his fingers. The wind started to pick up from behind him, blowing straight into my face. I raised my hand to block the force of the wind from my eyes as I watched the man in wonder.

His rotting bandages began to wrap themselves around his arms and legs until the man was fully covered in the white strips. Only his mouth was showing now; his eyes were hidden.

"Do you remember me now, Phoenix?" he asked. This time his voice held more power and authority, as if he had been around as long as I had.

I did remember him, though I didn't want to. He was a demon--the one that set my pack's town on fire in China all those years ago. He was one hell of a trickster.

I let out a shaky breath. "The Nogitsune."

"Correct," he said, taking another step towards me. I took a step back. "Oh, Phoenix. You don't know how long I've been waiting for my sweet revenge."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"If I told you, that would ruin all the fun," he chuckled. "You must remember that I like to play the same games you do." He took another step, now only a few feet away from me. "But I don't think it's my time to play with you yet."

"How are you here? How are you getting in my head?" I asked. I took another step back, but the huge tree next to me stopped me from going any further.

"I am everywhere, Phoenix." He reached out and stroked a lock of my hair with his bandaged fingers. "I have to go now, but we will meet again. Remember, no matter how you hard you try, you will never be able to get rid of the darkness that lives inside of you."

His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Now, wake up," he whispered.

Then he was gone.

↣ ↣ ↣

The crackling of the final embers and the howls of the wind are all that can be heard.

↣ ↣ ↣

I was back in the darkness.

The faint noise of a heart monitor rang through my ears. I tried to feel for my surroundings, but my body screamed at me when I tried to move. So I lay still.

The panicked feeling in my chest had vanished. I wasn't dead, so that was a plus.

But my mind was ajar.

My thoughts ceased when I heard the sound of someone else breathing in the room. Had the Nogitsune followed me from Bardo into the real world? I sure hoped not.

"Blaise?" The voice was deep and soft, and I felt a warm hand gently touch my bare arm.

I simply groaned as a response. My whole body felt like it had been through hell and back. Then again, I was dead for a moment while I was in Bardo.

"Are you awake?" the voice spoke again. "If you're awake, you have to open your eyes."

I wanted to open my eyes, but that meant I had to face reality again, and I really didn't want to do that.

But I did anyway.

I immediately had to squint my eyes, the brightness at the room too much for them. A blurry face loomed over me, watching as I adjusted my vision.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the person standing over me had dark hair. Stiles.

As my vision became more focused on the figure, I saw it wasn't Stiles. It was someone completely unexpected.


↣ ↣ ↣



beautiful poem called a dying flame used throughout by bloodshed207. i don't own that poem, sadly

this chapter is just a filler & obviously doesn't go with any of the episodes. the next couple of chapters will be VERY VERY important to blaise's past so tune into those coming soon!!!!!!!

lol this makes me so excited for season 3b



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