Chapter 48: Something Fishy

Start from the beginning

"You know those two should get their own show." I say to the others.

"And they should call it the Extreme stupidity show starring Bulk and Skull." Scarlett adds as I smiled And all of us laugh her joke.

"I don't think the fish need to be worried too about those two." Zack says.

"Hey Billy, why don't you come with us? You know I'm a certified diving instructor." Jason says.

"My apologies, Jason. But I have a regrettable dislike for fish." Billy says.

"How about you then, Kimberly?" Trini asks as we walk along the halls.

"No, there's no reason to spoil a perfectly good hair day. Besides, Lily, Billy and I are going to the park for a picnic." Kimberly says.

"A carefully planned distance from any fish substance, I might add." Billy says.

-Time skip-

The day Jason, Scarlett, Zack, and Trini go sky diving. Jason stops by my house to pick up Scarlett as they try to convince me to go with them. But I politely declined their offer. Plus I can bring Camille with me to the picnic.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us?" Jason asks me.

"I'm sorry sis, and Jason. I'm just too scared of the water." I stated.

"I'm a certified..." He begins to say.

"Scuba instructor. I know, I know." I said.

"How about next the time, he'll teach you how to scuba dive? What do you say? It'll be fun. I'll protect you." Scarlett asks.

"Don't you need to learn how to swim for that?" I ask him.

"Look we'll help you, the entire way. I promise." Jason says, then I looked at Scarlett.

"We will help you don't worry, I promise." Scarlett says. I think about it for a minute before nodding my head.

"Okay. I'll let you two teach me the next time." I said.

"Alright, that's my girl." Scarlett says as Jason chuckles.

"We gotta go meet up with the others." Jason says.

"Have fun at the park with Kimberly and Billy, okay? And take care of Camille." Scarlett asks.

"Okay." I said.

"Any sign of trouble or anything, just contact us." Jason says as I nod my head and I waved to them as the went to his car.

They wave goodbye to me from the inside of his car and drives away. Kimberly and Billy both came to get me with Camille and together, the three of us all go to the park.

"This is a beautiful day for a picnic." Kimberly says. She takes out food from the picninc bag as Camille was now laying down next to me.

"Do you need any help Kim?" I ask her.

"No. I got this Lily, but thanks anyways." Kimberly says.

"So what's for lunch anyway?" Billy asks.

"Fish and chips." Kimberly says as she opens up a plastic container. Billy looked displeased with her answer. So did I. I wasn't a big fan of eating fish, Scarlett knew that.

"Is that okay with you the two of you?" Kimberly asks.

"I'll just take the chips." Billy says.

"Yeah, so will I." I reply.

"Hold the fish, sorry." Billy says.

"What is with you and fish anyway, Billy?" Kimberly asks.

"I've just had some rather humiliating experiences. It all started when I was little, while on an outing. I attempted to recreate what I had recently learned about whirlpools, but my moving finger proved to be an exciting enticement to one of the fish below." Billy explains.

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