"Haha Very funny"

Hoseok cleared his throat, "Something that most  of you don't know.. Jimin forgot to do his homework yesterday!"

That earned a gasp from Jiseo, "Is that true Jimin?!"

"Absolutely not mom"


"I didn't do it on purpose, it just didn't vibe with me you see"

Everyone laughed at that except Jiseo.

Jungkook's phone made a sound, indicating some notification.

He unlocked his phone, and looked at the text message. 

His eyes shone with excitement. He eagerly called out to Jiya "Mom! Mr. Son just texted me!! He and his boss are back in town, and they have agreed to take classes for us again!!"

Jimin smiles in amusement as he sits next to Jungkook and gulps down some water.

"Who's that?"

"He's our dance teacher!"

Jimin smile grew wider, expressing his fondness, "You learn dance?"

"Not only me, Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung too!"

"What about you Sprite? Jack hyung and Lisa noona?" Jimin inquired.

"Never really got the interest Hyung, same with them too"

"I see"

Taehyung laughs, "Isn't that awesome, Me and the guys learn dance too!"

Jungkook was visibly surprised and happier. "Really?!"

"Yeah! We love to dance, don't we boys?"

The Alpheteers all nodded.

Jungkook's eyes twinkled, "Did you guys go for classes??"

Jimin stretches a bit, "Yea Kook we did, in fact we have one scheduled tomorrow"

"Really?! Who's your teacher??"

"Well I'm not really sure of his real name, we just call him Hitman Bang"


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The next day~

It was currently four pm.

Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok had just gotten ready in some dance wear.

Jimin opted for a grey shirt, with skinny jeans. The whole outfit was casual but sexy.

Hoseok being the sunshine he is chose a really colourful shirt on top of a plain white shirt, along with a pair of casual light brown khakis, with black patches on the knee part along with a bright red beanie.

Namjoon being the simple guy he is, wore a plain white T-shirt, and pure black pants, which really showed off his physique.

Taehyung had 'no inspiration for fashion' today (His words). So he decided to wear the same style as the first person he sees. And that person happened to be Namjoon.

Namjoon was half way through greeting Tae, when the younger just stood up turned Namjoon round and round, to fully study his outfit, then he dashed to his room to wear the same kind of outfit, leaving a very dizzy and confused Namjoon.

At Seoul gang's~

Jungkook decided to go with grey an grey outfit, a loose grey shirt along with loose grey pants along with a grey hat.

Seokjin too decided to go with grey, except in a darker shade. He picked out a grey shirt and grey shorts.

Yoongi went completely casual, wearing a white T shirt and Black pants.

All seven boys were dancers, and they were heading to their repective dance classes. They had plans of meeting after the classes end, which would be around seven.

Little did they know, that they were gonna meet earlier than that..

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How are you all??


Hope you guys actually like this book

If you do, pls do share with ppl who you know that read Jikook ffs

I've enrolled in a wattpad competition, where four fandoms of India are competing

BTS ARMY is one of the four

I've enrolled my ff in that category

The point is to see, How many new readers you get, within the certain month

The period is currently going on, and I really want ARMYS to win

So if I get new readers, It would be a small contribution to make ARMYS win

I'm not begging for reads or anything, but simply asking for the sake of the comp :)


Thanks for reading!! 



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