51. The Whistleblower

Start from the beginning

???: "Not important. What matters is that I have inside information on S.I.R.S. And I believe the people who framed you are rogue officers. Loathe as I am to say it, DedSec may be my only hope to stop them. "

Erin: "Alright, but no promises." 

???: "Good. I hid coordinates to a meeting place on a device in that establishment."

The call ends and Erin looks at the phone and it begins to heat up and smoke comes out. Then it destroys itself by sparks flying out and Erin drops the phone and gets up and looks at the flip-phone in shock as it destroys itself.

Erin: "Bloody hell...Bagley, Sabine, what is this? What am I getting into?"

Sabine: "Alright, that's a wrinkle. So this SIRS bloke says Zero-Day are a bunch of secret service dickheads? I mean... I suppose it does make sense. The bombings were too sophisticated for randos, but SIRS could pull it off."

Bagley: "Officially, S.I.R.S. or the Signals Intelligence Response Service, uses surveillance data drawn from ctOS to identify large-scale terrorist and criminal threats. Then they send Albion to shoot the threats in the face. For example..."

Then a video plays on her phone and she watches it and it's news footage of a woman named Emma Child speak to a group of reporters.

Emma: ...and in the wake of the escalating violence in London, the S.I.R.S. is extending the right to use lethal force to law enforcement and Albion securities..."

Bagley: "Unofficially S.I.R.S. uses your data to read your mind and arrest you for having naughty thoughts."

Sabine: "So we have means of opportunity, which leaves motive. SIRS are fascists pricks but they're supposed to stop groups like Zero-Day from doing terrorist shite. Why cause one? When you meet this guy, ask."

Erin nods and she rushes towards the cab and she gets inside and drives it to the location which leads to a construction site that seems to be unfinished. She arrives and she looks around to see what appears to be a scuffle, there's also a small puddle of blood.

Erin: "Shit, looks like there was a quarrel. That SIRS guy isn't here."

Bagley: "SIRS may be onto him. If you get access to the area's surveillance infrastructure, I can rebuild the scene in AR."

Erin: "Sure thing, Bagley. Alright."

She looks around and she hacks into the structure's infrastructures and as she hacks into it she turns and sees a homeless man sitting down, relaxing. She then kneels and begins to ask questions.

Erin: "Excuse me, did you see anything suspicious? Any quarrels? Anything?"

Homeless man: "Nothin' I saw nothing. I was just sitting o'er here, with me bottle of beer, Miss. Saw nothin'."

Erin: "O-ok...thanks I guess."

She resumes her work and she unlocks a door and she hacks into a ctOS box. 

Bagley: "That's done it. Now return tot he scene and I'll reconstruct what happened to our contact."

Erin: "Understood. Alright initiating AR."

Then a hologram of the SIRS man appears.

ctOS: "ctOS AR, data reconstruction in progress."

Bagley: "That appears to be our contact."

The hologram of the man is moving and other holograms appear and they're armed. The hologram shows that the contact was being threatened. Then, he's shot by it.

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