First Family Halloween

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" So, are we going out tonight?" Lilly asked as she let the guys in.

A week had passed and Lilly seemed back to her old self.
The house was decked out in pumpkins and cobwebs.

Lilly herself hadn't dressed yet and was a little disappointed the guys hadn't yet either.

"Oh, we must!" David grinned as he and the guys walked into the apartment.
" It's the one night a year we can truly be ourselves."

" Be yourself...?"
Her eyes lit up as she watched them transform their faces, morph them to vampiric.
Mark and Robert looked a little apprehensive,
worried their forms might make her think twice about having vampires for brothers.

She did stare at them, eyes wide.

" Oh, this so beats what I was going to wear!"
She ran excitedly to the bedroom, slamming the door.

Mom appeared, dressed as far as they could tell as a silent film star.
She walked slowly by each of them, inspecting them as she passed.
They all stood, rooted to the spot,
praying she didn't realize what they really were.

" Very nice," she concluded, moving into the kitchen to fill the candy bowl for the night.

Lilly didn't take long and reappeared wearing the most punk clothing she had:
ripped jeans with fishnets under,
backwards seam crop jacket,
and an off white shit under.

In her hands was the biggest bottle of fake blood any of them had ever seen.

" I need dark circles under my eyes.
While I do that, you guys do the blood. I want it to look like you guys ripped me up good!"

After determining what clothing could get bloody and what couldn't,
they had a great time slashing cloths and bloodying skin.

They offered to have mom come with them,
but she insisted someone had to man the candy bowl.

So, they went out.
They just walked the streets, store to store,
being seen by as many people as possible,
getting rave reviews for their amazing makeup.

They ended the night back home,
and after Lilly had showered,
settled in for the original 1930s Bela Lugosi Dracula.

Lilly let them know she felt deeply ashamed of them for not having seen it before.

" Have any of you seen a vampire films ever?"

"Blade," Joel and Robert answered almost in unison.

"Twilight..." Mark mumbled, clearly not happy about it.

David had to think hard and took a while in answering.
"Salem's lot? But I don't think I ever finished it"

"Failures," she declared. "All of you."

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