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Everyone felt the argument starting, but they weren't sure what to do about it.

Lilly just seemed to be picking on David.
Little things all day.

And he was starting to get impatient. His jaw set forward unconsciously, unable to keep quiet.

"Lilly, knock it off. I swear, you're just trying to make me angry..."

"Of course she is," Mom told him matter of factly.

Everyone, including Lilly, turned to her with eyes practically falling out of their sockets.
She realized everyone was looking at her. Lowered the bit of pottery she was working on to study them all in return.

"No one figured it out yet? Lilly likes David when he's mad. She thinks it's hot and he does that thing with his lower jaw juts out a bit..."

It was silent, all but Lilly's sharp intake of breath.

David turned to her, but she wouldn't meet his eye.
Now that Mom mentioned his angry jaw he felt himself do it.

"... Is that right?"

Lilly looked away, turning a fetching color of pink.
"Maybe... Sometimes..."

He leaned in, whispering in her ear so Mom couldn't hear. It was also low and close enough it made Lilly shiver.

"Your dumbass really thinks it's smart to piss of a vampire because you think it's hot?"

She snorted, covering her mouth with her hand.

She finally turned to him, redder still.
"Never said I was smart...
Just hoping I'm cute enough to get away with it?"

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